Comforts - Failed attempt

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Comforts - Failed attempt
Wednesday, December 5th, 2007 at 11:49 pm
Dark Cave

You are in a dark cave.
The cave drops downwards here, and the only apparent way out is
upwards. It is only a short climb back up, so no magical spells are
necessary. As this is the end of the cave, Svensvir and his fellow
Runelords must have fought their final battles here. Some say that
the Runelords fight the remorhaz even in the afterlife. A small
fissure can be seen along one of the rocks in the wall, but it looks
too small for anyone to enter.
Obvious exits: up.
You see Disaron Torneria.

(117 H 45 M): say sickness
You speak, "sickness".
(117 H 45 M): ### Disaron (*) group mentioned, "yea".
(117 H 45 M): Disaron (*) searches the room.
(117 H 45 M): say quest ?
You say, "quest ?".
(117 H 45 M): sear
You didn't find anything.
(117 H 45 M): ### Disaron (*) group mentioned, "i can make 80k xp per pot".
(117 H 45 M): ### Disaron (*) group mentioned, "lore yea".
(117 H 45 M): sear
You didn't find anything.
(117 H 45 M): Disaron fades into view.
Disaron failed to turn the runelord spirit (M).
(117 H 45 M): The runelord spirit (M) blasts Disaron with psychic energy!
The runelord spirit (M) mind-wiped Disaron for 26 damage, he's unharmed.
(117 H 45 M): Disaron casts a vigor spell on himself.
k spir
(117 H 45 M): Your invisibility fades.
You attack the runelord spirit (M).
Your stormblade glows with power against the runelord spirit (M).
You gutted the runelord spirit (M) for 27 damage.
(117 H 45 M): turn spir
You failed to turn the runelord spirit (M).
The runelord spirit (M) greatly resisted your efforts to turn him!
(117 H 45 M): Your mithril-plated gloves absorbed 16 damage.
The runelord spirit (M) drained you for 28 damage.
The runelord spirit (M) drained Bodhi for 28 damage, he's unharmed.
turn spir
(89 H 45 M): Please wait 29 more seconds.
(89 H 45 M): c v
Vigor spell cast.
(105 H 43 M): The runelord spirit (M) casts a iceblade spell on Disaron.
The runelord spirit (M) cast a iceblade spell on Disaron for 31 damage, he's getting bruised.
(105 H 43 M): k spir
Your stormblade glows with power against the runelord spirit (M).
You gutted the runelord spirit (M) for 20 damage.
(105 H 43 M): Disaron casts a vigor spell on himself.
(105 H 43 M): k spir
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(105 H 43 M): k spir
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(105 H 43 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 43 damage, he's relatively unscathed.
(105 H 43 M): k spir
Please wait 1 more second.
(105 H 43 M): k spir
Your stormblade glows with power against the runelord spirit (M).
You gutted the runelord spirit (M) for 24 damage.
(105 H 43 M): c m dis
Mend-wounds spell cast on Disaron.
You gain 4 experience for your deed.
(105 H 39 M): Disaron casts a mend-wounds spell on himself.
(105 H 39 M): The runelord spirit (M) casts a cold-cone spell on you for 53 damage.
You avoided full damage!
The runelord spirit (M) cast a cold-cone spell on Bodhi for 26 damage, he's noticeably bleeding.
(79 H 39 M): k spir
Please wait 1 more second.
(79 H 39 M): k spir
Your stormblade glows with power against the runelord spirit (M).
You slashed the runelord spirit (M) for 19 damage.
(79 H 39 M): c m
Please wait 1 more second.
(79 H 39 M): c m
Please wait 1 more second.
(79 H 39 M): The runelord spirit (M) casts a cold-cone spell on Disaron.
The runelord spirit (M) cast a cold-cone spell on Disaron for 23 damage, he's a little battered.
(79 H 39 M): Disaron casts a vigor spell on you.
(97 H 39 M): k spir
Your stormblade glows with power against the runelord spirit (M).
You slashed the runelord spirit (M) for 120 damage.
(97 H 39 M): c m
Mend-wounds spell cast.
(117 H 35 M): k spi
The runelord spirit (M) casts stun on Disaron.
(117 H 35 M): Please wait 1 more second.
(117 H 35 M): k spi
You missed.
(117 H 35 M): k spi
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(117 H 35 M): The runelord spirit (M) stunned you.
(117 H 35 M): ### Disaron group mentioned, "wow 17".
(117 H 35 M): The runelord spirit (M) drained you for 35 damage.
The runelord spirit (M) drained Bodhi for 35 damage, he's unharmed.
(82 H 35 M): k spi
Please wait 8 more seconds.
(82 H 35 M): c m
Please wait 7 more seconds.
(87 H 35 M): dri herb
dri herb
You feel better.
Your wounds magically being to heal.
Potion drank.
(96 H 35 M): You feel better.
Your wounds magically being to heal.
Potion drank.
(100 H 35 M): The runelord spirit (M) blasts you with psychic energy!
The runelord spirit (M) mind-wiped you for 64 damage.
The runelord spirit (M) mind-wiped Bodhi for 64 damage, he's a little battered.
(36 H 35 M): Disaron drinks a spirit potion (M).
(36 H 35 M): dri herb
You feel better.
Your wounds magically being to heal.
Potion drank.
The herbal potion (M) disintegrates.
dri herb
(42 H 35 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): dri herb
You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): You don't have that.
(42 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) casts a cold-cone spell on you for 49 damage.
You avoided full damage!
The runelord spirit (M) cast a cold-cone spell on Bodhi for 24 damage, he isn't going to last much longer.
(18 H 38 M): dri haz
You phase in and out of existence.

The Origin

You find yourself at the Origin.
This is the Origin of Life, a spiritual place where all living creatures
enter the world of Derlith. A magnificent door carved out of a single
piece of jade and decorated with the finest gems and metals leads to the
world beyond. The Book of Knowledge, an ancient tome some saw was written
by the gods themselves when they created Derlith, floats about the area.
An obsidian obelisk placed near the jade door has some information carved
on it regarding this world.
Obvious exits: jade door.
You see a Book of Knowledge, an obsidian obelisk.

You phase in and out of existance.
Potion drank.
The hazy potion (M) disintegrates.
(18 H 38 M): gt sorry bro
### Bodhi group mentioned, "sorry bro".
(18 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) drained Disaron for 16 damage, he's a little battered.
(18 H 38 M): clear long
Preference : long description : off.
(18 H 38 M): l

The Origin

You find yourself at the Origin.
Obvious exits: jade door.
You see a Book of Knowledge, an obsidian obelisk.

(18 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 17 damage, he's getting bruised.
(18 H 38 M): gt I am lucky
### Bodhi group mentioned, "I am lucky".
(18 H 38 M): get hazy back
You get a hazy potion (M) from a silkspun backpack.
(18 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) drained Disaron for 17 damage, he's noticeably bleeding.
(18 H 38 M): i
You have: a bag of holding(K), a bag of holding(K), a bag of holding(K), a bloody noose (+3), a cotton candy, a dragon-fanged staff (+2), a hazy potion (M), a
loot bag(K), a silkspun backpack(K), a wanderer's backpack.
(18 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 21 damage, he doesn't look too good.
eat cand
(18 H 38 M): The cotton candy starts to get moldy before you eat it.
(18 H 38 M): hands
You heal yourself with the power of Enoch.
You regain 61 hit points.
You feel much better now.
(79 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 20 damage, he's beginning to stagger.
(79 H 38 M): go jad

Skies Above Sigil

You are above the Holy City of Sigil.
Obvious exits: down.

(79 H 38 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 17 damage, he has some nasty wounds.
(79 H 41 M): eat cand
eat cand
The cotton candy starts to get moldy before you eat it.
(79 H 41 M): eat cand
The cotton candy starts to get moldy before you eat it.
(79 H 41 M): The cotton candy starts to get moldy before you eat it.
(79 H 41 M): d

Sigil Town Square

You are at the newly constructed town square.
Obvious exits: north, east, south, west.
You see a statue of Pope Theoc the Third, a stone scroll.

(79 H 41 M): eat cand
You feel better.
Yum Yum!!
Food eaten.
You ate all of the cotton candy.
(87 H 41 M): eat cand
You don't have that.
(87 H 41 M): eat cand
You don't have that.
(87 H 41 M): The runelord spirit (M) chilled Disaron for 16 damage, he is about to die!
### Sadly, Disaron was killed by a runelord spirit (M).
(87 H 41 M): sav
Player saved.
(87 H 41 M): who

Players currently online:
[15:Pala] N Bodhi the Human Crusader (Enoch)
[21:Cler] N Disaron Torneria the Human Grand Inquisitor (Enoch)
[ 7:Were] N Jimi the Half-Giant Razorbeast
[69:Dung] C Bane the Elven Ladies Man

(92 H 41 M): broad what?
### Bodhi broadcasted, "what?"
(92 H 41 M): A horse just arrived.
(92 H 41 M): You stop following Disaron.
### Disaron Torneria just logged off. (50)
### Disaron Torneria the Human Grand Inquisitor (Enoch) just logged in. (50)
(92 H 41 M): A yelping puppy just arrived.
(92 H 41 M): (Gossip) Disaron sent, "oh what the hell"

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