Mirrored suggestions from isen forum

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Mirrored suggestions from isen forum
Friday, June 1st, 2007 at 4:12 am
Hey... Well ALL of these suggestions were made towards isen. Even the mock caps were isen related. But screw it. This is all just mirrored information. Nothings been changed so don't flip. These were just ideas I had which were ignored by the isen staff, so I figured I'de see how Bane/Dominus would react to them. Maybe they are junk/maybe not. But hey! It's all for fun =D

AGAIN! This is an unedited mirror copy of whats on the isen forum that I made.

I think maybe there should be bangles or charms. An item you can equip to "add-on' or something to that nature to give the player a temporary ability.. for example!
(80 H 70 M): sc
Tinkles the Mage Lama (level 14)
80/ 80 Hit Points 70/ 70 Magic Points AC: 8.0
264526 Experience To Next Level 21190 Gold Pieces
Special Attack: 0:00
Spells cast: bless, protection, know-aura.

(80 H 68 M): i
You have: a black bag, an emerald bangle, three hazy potions, three vanishing creams.
(80 H 70 M): eq
Holding: an Isengard for Dummies Book
(80 H 70 M): l tin
You see Tinkles the Elven Lama.
I eat kittens
He is in excellent condition.
He has a dull blue aura.
Holding: an Isengard for Dummies Book
(80 H 70 M): wear emerald
You wear an emerald bangle.
You feel connected to another dimension.
(80 H 70 M): sc
Tinkles the Mage Lama (level 14)
80/ 80 Hit Points 70/ 70 Magic Points AC: 8.0
264526 Experience To Next Level 21190 Gold Pieces
Special Attack: 0:00
Spells cast: bless, protection, detect-invisible, know-aura.

(80 H 70 M): eq
Holding: an Isengard for Dummies Book
Add-on: an emerald bangle
( 80 H 70 M):
The power of the emerald bangle is drained. <-- timed... like a torch it will wear out eventually.

(80 H 70 M): sc
Tinkles the Mage Lama (level 14)
80/ 80 Hit Points 70/ 70 Magic Points AC: 8.0
264526 Experience To Next Level 21190 Gold Pieces
Special Attack: 0:00
Spells cast: bless, protection, know-aura.

I think it would be cool... get kewl bangles or charms that d-i, k-a, or bless.. stuff like that. Maybe make cool relic ones that heal you for more... like I heal 6H/7M in a tick room, and with that bad boy on I would heal 7H/8M. But like I said, the charms/bangles would wear out after a period of use. Just like torches or lanterns (i think those eventually sputter out dont they?) But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun to have one, and as an added bonus, whenever they are found/figured out players can sell them to other players adding a well needed spark into isens player economy. Cause after all shops desperately need a kick in the ass to get em moven' again.


Heh... MAGE: Concentrate

(80 H 70 M): c blis d
You cast a blister spell on drunk.
The spell did 18 damage.
You killed the drunk.
You gained 7 experience for the death of the drunk.
The drunk was carrying: 2 gold coins.
(80 H 70 M):concentrate
You failed to concentrate.
(80 H 70 M):concentrate
Please wait 6 seconds.
(80 H 70 M):concentrate
You feel in tune with the forces around you <---shrug
(80 H 70 M): c blis d
You cast a blister spell on drunk.
The spell did 36 damage. <-- yea thats a lot.. just did 2x for "mock" cap
You killed the drunk.
You gained 7 experience for the death of the drunk.
The drunk was carrying: 1billion gold coins. <--hehe
(80 H 70 M):concentrate
You feel in tune with the forces around you.
(80 H 70 M): sc
Tinkles the Mage Lama (level 14) *concentrating*
80/ 80 Hit Points 70/ 70 Magic Points AC: 8
264519 Experience To Next Level 21190 Gold Pieces
Special Attack: 0:00
Spells cast: bless, protection, detect-invisible.
(80 H 70 M): w

Brownhaven Road

You are on a road that runs along the eastern side of the city.
On the east, you can see a small hospital run by hobbits. The hobbits
suffered a great defeat at the hands of the ice trolls, and now their
old hobbit holes in the Shire lay empty. You can almost hear
the cruel laughter of the Dark Lords of Middle Earth as you picture
them slaughtering the helpless hobbits. Your heart sinks a little.
Obvious exits: south, north, east.
You see two cloth hats, a small bag, a small wooden shield.

Tinkles the Mage Lama (level 14)
80/ 80 Hit Points 70/ 70 Magic Points AC: 8
264519 Experience To Next Level 21190 Gold Pieces
Special Attack: 0:00
Spells cast: bless, protection, detect-invisible.

What this "concentrate" skill would do would make a damage multiplier out of mages first cast. Maybe 1.5x then later lvls would see like a 1.75x. Obviously it cant do the same multiplier as a rogues backstab since that would be ridiculus.. But being able to cast normally for 70.. with concentrate cast for 105... thats fair ide say. I mean priests turn for hundreds of damage, monk touch for the same, assassins can bs for that... well maybe not 1.75x of 70... so say we tone it down? 1.2x then later 1.4x.. so now were looken at 84 if the base cast is 70 and with 1.4x were looken at 98 with a base cast of 70.

So basically it's a rival for chaotic mages. Yes I know mages have stun. That's our big secret, and yes we can run into a room and iceblade for 70 damage. However! Every class has stun, and every class can run into a room and cast iceblade... (maybe not so well warriors) But warriors can go crusader and use charge and with proper realms can follow up with a decent cast. Still causing major damage FAST. Same with Priests, but they would charge - ice - smash or whatever.

So yea! I know this might come across as sketchy, but even if mages wanted to stay lawful, it would still make a really helpful tool. Concentrate and stun for 25 seconds insted of like 18 or 20.


Hone simply would "hone" the players skill to focus and hit for better damage.

So say I was a rogue and I hit for 6-15 (we'll say) well I "Hone my skills". Now I would hit for 8-17 damage. Basically it works like putting + on a weapon. Raising your low hit and high hit + whatever. Dunno, I think this makes sence with professional killers like warriors/rogues cause they are "professionals" and should know how to repeatedly hit a foe in a damaging area more often then not. Also during this time the player could not fumble his weapon.

Ok... thats some of what ive been rolling around in my head.. And i havnt ever use berserk so if thats like hone then there ya go. I have more ideas, but i still kinda wanna think about em so they arn't just ridiculus. So those are some of what I got.

SO yea!!! As I said it's unedited for Realms, even tho I know I should, so don't freak! Feed back is more then welcome.

Re: Mirrored suggestions from isen forum
Friday, June 1st, 2007 at 10:26 am
Although "concentrate" is more for monks and less for mages, I do agree that mages should do extraordinarily more damage with spells than other classes. Whether this should be at all times, or with a skill (like you mentioned) I think mages should cast spells atleast double the damage/power/duration of other classes.

"I check the RoH Forum more than you do!"

Re: Mirrored suggestions from isen forum
Friday, June 1st, 2007 at 2:26 pm
Id say make mages casting work almost like BS, eg:
give a 1.0-1.1x multiplier which raises up to 1.0-1.5x as the mage gets higher.

Re: Re: Mirrored suggestions from isen forum
Friday, June 1st, 2007 at 3:02 pm
gank wrote:
Id say make mages casting work almost like BS, eg:
give a 1.0-1.1x multiplier which raises up to 1.0-1.5x as the mage gets higher.

That's exactly what I was pushin' =D

Concentrate would be the mage equivelent of hide. Which I poorly pointed out in the original text. buuutt.... YEA!

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionMirrored suggestions from isen forum