Inconsistant gender descriptions

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Inconsistant gender descriptions
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007 at 9:25 pm
Take note of the different genders in the description:

Just thought id point it out.


Kran Square

This square was named after the great paladin Kran. He explored much
of the world, and founded this village. Kran was killed in the recent
war with Caladonia by a squad of elite Death Knights. A statue was
built in his name, towering many feet above you, and overlooking the
village of Niamei. Inquisitors can sometimes been seeing patrolling
the area, making sure that those in the area show proper respect for
a statue of on of their respected military commanders.
Obvious exits: north, south, town hall, east.
You see a foreign merchant, a fur trader.
You see a statue of Kran.

(143 H 45 M 809688X): l gold
You don't see that here.
(143 H 45 M 809688X): l for
You see a foreign merchant.
She's from distant lands, hawking his wares to the locals.
She is in excellent condition.
You could kill her with a needle.

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionInconsistant gender descriptions