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Thursday, April 19th, 2007 at 12:14 am
(75 H 46 M 23661X): The Bergen militiaman wields a corbite morning star.
The Bergen militiaman missed you.
(75 H 46 M 23661X): c pro bru
Protection cast on Bruce.
k b
(75 H 36 M 23661X): Please wait 1 more second.
k b
(75 H 36 M 23661X): k b
Please wait 1 more second.
(75 H 36 M 23661X): k b
Please wait 1 more second.
(75 H 36 M 23661X): Please wait 1 more second.
k b
(75 H 36 M 23661X): k b
You slashed the Bergen militiaman for 22 damage.
You killed the Bergen militiaman.
You gained 274 experience for the death of the Bergen militiaman.
get gold
The Bergen militiaman was carrying: 391 gold coins.
(75 H 36 M 23387X): k b
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(75 H 36 M 23387X): You get 391 gold coins.
You received 196 gold as your split.
You now have 28447 gold pieces.
(75 H 36 M 23387X):
Fisher God Altar

You are at an altar with a statue of the Fisher God.
Obvious exits: east.
You see Bruce Lee.
You see a copper wand (M).

Where did the Corbite morning star go???

Re: Bug?
Thursday, April 19th, 2007 at 12:28 am
Laugh, so someone did notice it. I fixed it earlier today, it will be in when dom reboots.

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionBug?