Re: How to level up fast Wednesday, April 11th, 2007 at 8:43 am
Another piece of advice by the most laggy veteran on the mud (after Fawn) is: don't lag.
Seriously, if you notice the occasional lag spike, make sure to play super safe, use a low level alt, or just log off until it's fixed. The biggest problem is to have the self-discipline to really follow this advice
A well-timed two second lag spike can easily kill you when you run around in dangerous areas. Even relatively mundane fights can turn into a life or death scenario very quickly. Deaths in mud are like a car accident, lots of small unnoticed factors suddenly putting you in a very bad situation.
Well actually, you don't have hazy IRL, but at least you don't have lag, either. Short of an epileptic seizure that is =)
Re: Re: How to level up fast Wednesday, April 18th, 2007 at 10:52 am
Dear Disaron,
I have been mudding for over a decade. I have had more level 22+ characters than you have had pimples on your ugly face. I alone discovered half the stuff you and your cronies now take for granted on Realms. So, if you want to disgregard my advice for new players and mouth off at me, do so in the Flames section, not in the Tips for Newbies.
My tip was meant to be taken seriously and to heart; not every new player realizes the futility of having gold in your inventory when you don't have a hazy potion to save your ass in battle.
Clan Leader of the Seekers of the Damned
P.S. If I had wanted to kill you and Joan, I could have done so with ease for the 3 minutes I was sitting hidden in the tent watching you.
Mind, you were the one who attacked me...not the other way around.
Re: How to level up fast Wednesday, April 18th, 2007 at 10:34 pm
well first off, since your calling yourself the clan leader, my first question is why are you after people you were in seekers with? and no you weren't in the tent for 3 mins because i had my eye out for you. I attacked you because you were stalking me, and im not gonna sit around and have you pk me or my group. im in no means mouthing off about what you have done in the game, but to sit there and talk about im not restoring any of my chars, i dont need it, then rename them all and start hunting people is pretty stupid. you obviously cant take a joke otherwise you wouldnt be trying to start a flame war. anyways, if your gonna hunt me everytime you log, or sit there and track me with a L because you cant find or clair me, go ahead.
Re: How to level up fast Wednesday, April 18th, 2007 at 10:52 pm
I renamed Bodhi's character to Jarlaxle. One, Bodhi is very good at roleplaying, and two, if you've read the Drizzt series you can see why Bodhi's dark-elf M/A would make a good Jarlaxle.
Let's get this thread back to leveling tips.
Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.
Re: How to level up fast Saturday, April 21st, 2007 at 2:42 pm
I think you can get a big boost to the levelling speed is if you have someone to group and grind mass xp with, reliably, like half the time you play. Especially for backstabbers -- it makes a huge difference because the faster you go over the mobs, the more backstabs you can dish out. 2 thieves/assassins grouped can get really sick amounts of xp this way.
It's important to know about as much areas as possible so you can find the best spot you can handle, and have lots of alternatives if all the usual places are taken, though that's hardly an issue these days.
I wish I could follow my own advice, unfortunately I never had someone to grind xp with (grouping was 95% of the time just for fun) so I ended up sitting endlessly in relatively easy areas. The xp wasn't good, but on the other hand I didn't die, which is what matters the most I guess. Sometimes I tried sitting in dangerous or difficult areas, but it's just not effective to solo them as a way of getting xp, though it can be a good way to get gold.
It's actually funny if you think about it, that you get the most xp fighting the relatively weaker mobs. You would think fighting dangerous high level stuff should earn you the most xp by the intended meaning of "experience points".
I think this idea led to the D&D 3rd edition rules where instead of increasing xp requirements exponentially (like x2 every level or every 3 levels), it now increases linearly by level, only that killing low level stuff doesn't give you as much xp (or nothing at all, if the difference is large enough). So you can't kill 10,000 goblins one at a time to level from 29 to 30, you would have to fight some really mean stuff. So the difficulcy to level at high 20's would be to find and kill high level stuff without getting killed, instead of killing thousands of easy mobs.
Re: How to level up fast Sunday, April 20th, 2008 at 2:47 am
Learn about the mobs you're killing.
Spawn rate is important. You can sit around all day waiting for a great, easy to kill, high xp mob, or sit in a room that may be a bit more challenging or worse xp, but yields far more mobs for you to grind through. It will speed up the whole process by quite a bit, especially when you're logging hundreds of hours.
Also, find our if they have a weakness or resistance. Some mobs, like lilacs, are weak to some spells(air). Use that to your advantage, especially if you're main way of dealing damage is casting.
The other trick is know how much gold you're getting. Experience is important, but with no gold you'll only be hurting in the long run. Even if the mobs don't drop any gold, make sure what they do drop pawns for a good amount. Same same is true with mobs who drop weapons. You'll need to maintain what you're using, so mobs who drop useful armor that you're wearing or weapons you're using are good targets to grind through. Even if you have a full set of armor and a spare weapon it's good to have a few more just in case and will save you a lot of gold.