Can anyone figure this out?

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Can anyone figure this out?
Monday, February 18th, 2008 at 11:00 pm
Mad props if you do... We tried going off into the ocean maze from An'honi, but that's either incorrect or I failed to follow the map.

By the way, the character ] is in place of the backslash character because it's not being accepted by the forum.

  /                                       [
 /  |   Path to the Lost Isle of Gargoth   |
 ]  |         -by Tristanawae              |
  ]_|                                      |
    |                      o               |
    |       Docks         / ]              |
    |             X      /   ]             |
    |              ]    o  X__o            |
    |               ]   |        Gargoth   |
    |                o  | o___o            |
    |               /   |/   /             |
    |              /    o   /              |
    |             o________o               |
    |                                      |
    |  Beware! Though I was able to find   |
    |  the island, the ancient creatures   |
    |  were more than a match for my       |
    |  magic! If you insist on going,      |
    |  take care and be prepared.          |
    |    __________________________________|_
    ]   /                                   /

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionCan anyone figure this out?