Can anyone figure this out?Monday, February 18th, 2008 at 11:00 pm
Mad props if you do... We tried going off into the ocean maze from An'honi, but that's either incorrect or I failed to follow the map.
By the way, the character ] is in place of the backslash character because it's not being accepted by the forum.
/ [
/ | Path to the Lost Isle of Gargoth |
] | -by Tristanawae |
]_| |
| o |
| Docks / ] |
| X / ] |
| ] o X__o |
| ] | Gargoth |
| o | o___o |
| / |/ / |
| / o / |
| o________o |
| |
| Beware! Though I was able to find |
| the island, the ancient creatures |
| were more than a match for my |
| magic! If you insist on going, |
| take care and be prepared. |
| __________________________________|_
] / /