behold the power of Enoch

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behold the power of Enoch
Sunday, January 27th, 2008 at 4:18 am
holyword tree
Your holy word utterly destroys The Tree of the Dead (M).
### Sadly, The Tree of the Dead was killed by Disaron and his followers.
You killed The Tree of the Dead (M).
get coin

All rejoice in the good deed that is done!
Screaming souls are released to the heavens
as The evil Tree of the Dead is now no more!
All that remains is a sinister dark hole in
the ground filled with the blood from many
of the evil tree's past victims.

You gained 5642 experience for the death of The Tree of the Dead (M).
The Tree of the Dead was carrying: 4428 gold coins.

Re: behold the power of Enoch
Sunday, January 27th, 2008 at 4:34 am

Realms ForumText Caps & Storiesbehold the power of Enoch