Anyone know how to code a visual interface like this?

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Anyone know how to code a visual interface like this?
Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 at 9:08 am
In the image below from another MUD, they have a pretty cool graphical interface. If you look at it closely though, it's not like it has new features - there's a window for fighting, a window for talking, a map window, etc. I actually think RoH's advanced combat system is a lot better than their's, which consists of scratching and spanking. If we could convert RoH's strict text into something like that, it would be pretty awesome. The only real graphics I see are the health and magic bars with the face. Everything else is just text is different boxes. Even their overland map is like ours - just letters to simulate a map.

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionAnyone know how to code a visual interface like this?