Objects: class restriction

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Objects: class restriction
Friday, July 20th, 2007 at 11:59 am
I updated the internal rules of class/race restriction for objects.

Short: some objects that shouldn't be restricted are. For example, greensilk sashs, or shadow cloaks. Talk to a watcher and I'll replace them.

Long: it looks like the previous code didn't work properly. The greensilk sash was flaged ClassRestrict(32), Mage(37), and Lich(45). You would think this would mean "Only mages and liches can use it" - but all classes could. I changed the code to remove the need to have ClassRestrict set (I changed it to ClassRestrictInvert, actually). Now that it obeys the rules - people are having problems using the items.

Flag 32 has been removed from all items in game, including player inventories. Please post if you have any items that don't work.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Realms ForumAnnouncementsObjects: class restriction