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Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 at 12:49 pm
The following alignment changes have been put in:
Dominus wrote:
Alignment changes from vile races will only help, not hinder.

A blood red Gradius paladin kills an evil orc. His alignment is pushed towards good.
A neutral Gradius paladin's alignment will not be changed by killing an evil orc.
A light blue Gradius paladin's alignment will not be changed by killing an evil orc.

These changes now apply to the following combos:

Gradius paladins vs. vile races
Werewolves vs. vampires
Other paladins vs. deathknights - this was pretty much guaranteed; when was the last time you attacked a royal blue deathknight? But it's been put in for completeness sake.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

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