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Monday, June 11th, 2007 at 12:40 pm
Wouldn't it make sense that a monk can use both of his hands sometimes in fighting, like giving an uppercut with the dominant hand, and a quick jab with the other hand (for smaller damage) at random?

(114 H 33 M 163298X): k d
You attack the dock worker.
You roundhouse kicked the dock worker for 14 damage.
(114 H 33 M 163298X): The dock worker missed you.
kick d
(114 H 33 M 163298X): You kicked the dock worker for 11 damage.
(114 H 33 M 163298X): k d
You uppercut the dock worker for 16 damage.
You jab the dock worker with your other hand for 9 damage.
(114 H 33 M 163298X): The dock worker missed you.
(114 H 33 M 163298X): k d
You whacked the dock worker for 16 damage.
You killed the dock worker.
get gold
You gained 45 experience for the death of the dock worker.
The dock worker was carrying: an iron dagger, 19 gold coins.

Another thing that is annoying is that just about anything worthy of killing in the game requires a +, and you don't get the + until you are level 19, which can be kind of a pain to get all the way up there. Also the fact that meditate cannot be used in battle, is even more discouraging.

It obviously doesn't make sense for monks to be as powerful as Archon once was, having a minimal strength but still hitting for 40s and casting level 4s for 60s, but monks just plain suck now, hitting for 9-17 at level 16 is very discouraging, especially when a monk doesnt have much intel, instead strength.

Oh and also one other thing that has always bugged me, the descriptions when a monk is attacking need to be tweaked a little bit, notice my first attack on the dock worker, i roundhouse kicked the dock worker...with my hands..haha

I think there are many different areas that monks can be improved to make them with par with other classes, without overpowering them.

Re: Monks
Monday, June 11th, 2007 at 11:02 pm
zale wrote:
(114 H 33 M 163298X): k d
You attack the dock worker.
You roundhouse kicked the dock worker for 14 damage.
(114 H 33 M 163298X):
Oh and also one other thing that has always bugged me, the descriptions when a monk is attacking need to be tweaked a little bit, notice my first attack on the dock worker, i roundhouse kicked the dock worker...with my hands..haha

Monks use all their body parts when attacking - hands, elbows, knees, feet, head. There's nothing wrong with this.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: Monks
Monday, June 18th, 2007 at 10:01 am
zale wrote:

It obviously doesn't make sense for monks to be as powerful as Archon once was, having a minimal strength but still hitting for 40s and casting level 4s for 60s, but monks just plain suck now, hitting for 9-17 at level 16 is very discouraging, especially when a monk doesnt have much intel, instead strength.

What the hell?
Archon was a level 29 character with about 7 HP / level, meditate (+1 HP / level if it works) AC of -9 and a mediocre vig/mend, and 43 damage/round melee attack. That's hardly powerful for a level 29 character, if you think about it seriously.

1. Almost all difficult perms or mobs in the game hit 100% of the time through AC -9. At least those that are of any use to kill for drops, etc. Three barbacks (level 12) at Joseph could EASILY kill Archon if I sticked around to actually fight them, because they hit me for 20 each, every single round.

2. 43 melee damage is decent, but hardly better than other fighting classes. In fact with good gear you could do more than that with a rogue or ranger. I would gladly trade the crappy mends for an ability as powerful as dodge, and rogues have repos as well. The only considerable advantage that Archon had over them (indeed the only real "use" for this char) was the high r-m % which no other fighting class could afford. That meant I could keep pounding away at heavy 5th level hasted r-m'ing casters, such as githyanki archmage, which were actually hard for most other classes to solo.

Hell, I could do more than 43/round with level 22 pets and a shitty skull mace, and Snoozy (gradius cleric) was doing around 50/round at those levels I believe. Sauron at 25 was stronger in almost every possible way than Archon at 29, I can tell you that outright.

NOTE: hell, maybe I played monk like a newbie and it was actually alot stronger than I realize, but somehow I find that unlikely. In the end of the day, pet classes and dual wielders were better in most scenarios.

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionMonks