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enough is enough | Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00) |
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enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 12:53 am
delta ur a punk bitch. you sit there and preach about following rules, dont pk ppl etc, yet u played while u were a CT, much like cheater teeter, made mobs that were +earth ( halfling bodyguards dont lie bitch) and other things to help u level. not to mention you talk way to much shit to be L. there are at least 8 ppl that have expressed a desire to me to smoke your bitch mother fucking ass. you are a degenerate that had to sui all his chars to feel better about doing shitty on your exams. then get a restore and everytime i log on now your on. so get the fuck over yourself u piece of fucking shit. your not helping this mud at all. I donated, what the fuck did you do????? making a few mobs to help u level does not count. SF OWNED BITCH
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Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 1:15 amEdits: 1 Last Edit: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 1:25 am
Disaron, I'm not sure why you're launching into this. But I feel like I need to defend myself, because you're carrying it too far.
1) I gave you a friendly heads-up to not over-pkill Merrick, because we do not want to drive away our players. I did not say that you were violating the rules, nor were you punished in any way. 2) You accuse me of cheating by making those halfling bodyguards. When I made them, grim stilletos were my primary weapon. Why would I make my life harder by placing two mid-level mobs that assist the halfling assassins AND each other? Maybe I'll cast for more on them, but it would be much easier to gain experience elsewhere. 3) What "other things" to help me level have I created? 1) Who are these eight people? All of your characters? No need to give names here. And what "shit" do I talk about? I do a couple things on the MUD besides normal gameplay - help newbies, talk about dwarves, and make self-deprecating jokes. I'm not the type to talk shit. 1) Actually, I had to suicide so I could sit down and study for my exams. But that's besides the point. My personal life is none of your business. 2) Using fuck as every other word in a flame isn't too creative. 1) I help out this MUD by aiding newbies rather than repeatedly pkilling them. 2) I offered to make a donation already, though no one has replied to me on where to send it. Please see http://forums.rohonline.net/topic/440/. 3) If you really want to know, I've spent hours and hours working for the MUD, creating mobs, rooms, and items; fixing typoes and bugs; and so on. I may have put in nowhere near as much time as Dominus and the other DMs have, but don't insult me by saying I don't care about the game. I've made no mobs to help me level - I'm fine killing the mobs that are already in the game. 4) Making a donation of $50 does not entitle you to mouth off at whatever you want. I'm not sure if you're drunk right now, or if you have other problems in your life. 5) Flaming a watcher is not a way to help out the game, which you seem so intent on doing. A MUD with problems doesn't look appealing to new players. 1) I looked SF up online, hoping you were using a more intelligent abbreviation. Unfortunately it seems, the only word you can think of to insult me is "fuck". (148 H 92 M): Disaron says, "i wonder what level delta would be if he wasnt a watcher or CT". To answer your question - I might actually be at a higher level. Those hours logged on my CT could have been put into gaining experience. And as a watcher? Watchers don't have any abilities that would help them level faster. Ask Hanzo if you don't believe me. (148 H 92 M): whois delta Whois for [Delta] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - [23:Cler] N Delta the Male Dwarven Hammer of Gradius (Age:88) (Gradius) I'm 88 years old, starting from a dwarven starting age of 70. It's not like I miraculously jumped up in levels. Also, don't you think that if I were to cheat, one of the DMs might know, and then dust me? I mean, they only have logs of everything. But since people appear to have problems with "ordinary players" gaining access to staff-level characters, I am not restoring my CT. It's not worth the pain in the ass. | ||
Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 1:39 am
first, merrrick is no newb. I told him like 4 months ago if he idles in C he will die. I was a noob once, and cancer was a raging idiot, and no one stopped him. Merrick has play way to long not to expect to die if he is AFK in a C room.
Second, The halfling bodygaurds were +earth. HMMMM you play and earth casting char. HMMMMMMMMMMM. so obvious that dominus had to change it. next, me dro baz zty and 4 others i will not name because they asked me not two. once of which is a watcher. too bad arc had to take ur ass beating cause u pussed out. And flame me for picking on arc, but i paid his ress fees so go to hell. Also , you post your duels here like you are some badass. Anyone can win a duel, be a man and pk before u start posting crap. And what about all that talk about oh dwarfs are so badass with no backing. Next, funny that your suicide came after most colleges had finished exams. hmmmmmm. So i dont believe it was so you could study.
(122 H 76 M): help suicide
....·····.....·····..../ ....·····.....·····....
· . . · · . . | Help on: suicide | . . · · . . ·
····.....·····.....···· /····.....·····.....····
This command allows your player to commit suicide. When you commit suicide, your
entire player file is erased along with anything it was carrying. You will be
prompted to confirm your choice when you attempt to suicide. Any character that
is suicided will not be restored. what noobs have you really helped? i have given merrick countless spells, armor, weapons etc, also chicky, and others. your offer came for advertising the mud, not helping get a server set up. I didnt ask for one special favor, like getting +turn mobs or a restore, for giving money, and i plan to donate more in the future cause i enjoy the game. You still havent donated, and i plan on covering the ad expense on my own. I tried to ask you 5 different times the last few days and u never responded. I would rather donate it then have you boast about it or recieve benefits from it. next, you act like your the only one who has built or done things besides the DM. well lets get things straight. I ressurrected this mud. I was the one who stated up again in october cause i missed the game. I was the one that got trist, hanzo, baz, and others started back, and they spread the word along. I was the one that found the info to contact cheater teeter and then dom later on. I was also the one that stepped up and donated so we could get a linux server going. granted it was 50 fucking dollars, but it was 50 more than u donated. Also, i have built for the mud before, and i have spent countless hours getting ppl back to playing. As mentioned before, i was the one that got the ball rolling again. i convinced others to come back. i remembered contacts to other players so that they would come back, it was my idea for mudconnect, it was me that stressed mudconnector votes, it was I that donated, it was i that was the firest to write a positive review for the mud. SO fuck off. I contributed quite a bit. Next, just because your a watcher, doesnt mean i cant flame u when u deserve it. I highly doubt calling out a lying watcher pushes away new players. This mud doesnt have problems, just a few that think they should get by easier. last SF means so fucking, if your only flame against me is that i use the word fuck, or that oh he must be drunk, then your are way more of an idiot than i thought. | ||
Re: Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 1:47 am (148 H 92 M): Disaron says, "i wonder what level delta would be if he wasnt a watcher or CT". To answer your question - I might actually be at a higher level. Those hours logged on my CT could have been put into gaining experience. And as a watcher? Watchers don't have any abilities that would help them level faster. Ask Hanzo if you don't believe me. (148 H 92 M): whois delta Whois for [Delta] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - [23:Cler] N Delta the Male Dwarven Hammer of Gradius (Age:88) (Gradius) I'm 88 years old, starting from a dwarven starting age of 70. It's not like I miraculously jumped up in levels. Also, don't you think that if I were to cheat, one of the DMs might know, and then dust me? I mean, they only have logs of everything. But since people appear to have problems with "ordinary players" gaining access to staff-level characters, I am not restoring my CT. It's not worth the pain in the ass.[/quote] LOL, really want me to reply to these statements? ok. First off. A staff char should NEVER play a player char. Were you not around for the mess with Teeter that helped (elarawiel, which I outed for the good of the mud was the other cause) kill the mud the first time???? Second i never said DM's helped you, i said you have helped yourself. There were a quite a few times when u and I were on, and maybe lazurus, in the middle of the day, when i am almost POSITIVE other DMs were gone, and there would be 4-5 restores an hours followed by you saying bow. Laff, way to try to hide it. Must i also go back to +earth mobs? since when are halflings weak to earth spells???? I didnt even realize the whole restore thing til i was told that you actually were a CT then it all made sense. You know what the funniest thing about all this shit is???? You and cheater Teeter made the same fucking mistakes. FIrst you name your staff char a name you had used/ menitoned before. SO it was obvious who you were. Second you sit there and bold face lie about being staff. I would have 10x the respect if you just say yea i am a CT. Why lie? something to hide???? Finally, I know hanzo doesnt get benefits, he owns, he doesnt need them like your newb ass. | ||
Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 2:00 am
Disaron, if you're going to call me out, please respond to my points below, instead of digressing once more like you did in your last post. Otherwise, it's a waste of time to continue this.
1) In my eyes, Merrick is a newbie. He has less playing experience than most of us, and is still trying to work up his first char to level 10. Please read: HELP POLICY >> Player Etiquette Violations #4 You have no reason to pkill others just because Cancer did. 2) As I've already stated, the halfling bodyguards were more of a pain in the ass than a benefit. I also put the halfling cutthroats in to spawn at the same location, which were also to be assisted by the bodyguards. If anything, Dominus had to change it because I made the area too difficult. 3) Learn how to spell. 4) Arc has nothing to do with me? Why would you pick on him? I don't know him in real life. He lives in Canada, for god's sake. 5) I post my duels here because duels are fun. I post duels in which I win, and a few duels in which I got my ass kicked. I don't post all the duels in which I lose because .... well honestly, who would? Now if whoever kicked my ass wanted to post the duel, there's nothing stopping them. 6) Dwarves do believe they are the best. HELP DWARVES - It's a matter of roleplay. 7) What do you want me to do? Post my college exam schedule online? 8) True, you have pointed out HELP SUICIDE, but how about reading HELP STAFF. There's advantages to being a DM. I did note to the DM that restore me that some people might not be happy about it. I didn't go all-out asking for a restore. It was granted by those who can. 9) I don't need to name newbies that I've helped. I can't remember many actually. But there's no way you can deny that I haven't. The other watchers, players, and even DMs can attest that I help newbies. 10) About the rest of your post, I have no comment to make. It's great that you're helping out the MUD, and that you've made your contributions, efforts to bring people back, etc. Never once have I denied that you were trying to help out the MUD. I'm not trying to compete with you here - no need to get defensive. 11) Yes, you can flame me if I'm a watcher. You're trying to do it right now. Once again, I was just making a suggestion. 12) You keep on mentioning that I'm trying to get by "easier." Your argument has no credibility unless you can point out examples. And no, please don't tell me it's the halfling bodyguards again. I've already refuted that in point (2). 13) Once again, I must mention that if I were to have been using my CT to cheat, I would have been dusted. The DMs have logs of EVERYTHING, and are particularly apt to check up on new staff members. Don't think they're stupid. | ||
Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 2:24 am
: help staff
Staff Heirarchy and Explanations Dungeonmaster Overlords of the game in all aspects. Have final word on all policy decisions. Enforce policy and security of the mud, write code, build areas, items, and creatures, and have access to the shell. Have unrestricted access to the entire mud. They are the final point of contact for players, and are unable to be mailed directly. | ||
Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 2:26 am
this is my last reply then i am done.
First, dont flame people for spelling on a god damned message board. That is retarded. I am trying to play 5 poker tables, type, and i have been drinking. These flames are extremely gay. Second, either way you are an attention whore. You post I quit, I wont be back, I have wasted too many hours, ETC. Then 2 weeks later your back? You broadcast 1213112 things before you level. You act like your a badass cause u win duels. Duels mean nothing. I have seen a level 8 lich beat a level 19 assassin. You wanna prove shit level an assassin to 13 and kill some 15 levels higher. Third, Arc took your beating cause you were guilded, and we couldnt kill you. Funny because as soon as Bane fixed the code where lawfool guilded could be killed, gg smother sisters. You also accused me of taking Arc's gold, which he lost fairly because he was guilded, yet I gave him 300k, even tho the gold went to guild bank. Next, http://webdocs.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/general_docs/exams/final_exams.html this states the last exams were, 5/25 (for a few classes) and 5/24 for the majority, your post was right before this, but you did make it sound like you bombed grades or exams. If you didn't, then great job. Harvard is a sick college and anyone there deserves recognition. I never questioned your academic abilities, in fact, on several occasions i expressed that i was impressed at the fact you were at Harvard. No matter how much i dislike at this moment on ROH, i dont wish you to fail or bad grades. Your hard work will hopefully pay off down the road. Next, I don't want to make a pissing war out of who contributed to the mud the most, but don't make it out that others havent done anything. This is the same crap teeter tried to pull. Also, you have never answered my main question. Why did you lie?? Like i said you would get more respect if you just say I am a CT. Lying brings forth doubts even if you didnt do shit to help your char (see teeter) You never really gave an answer to +earth mobs either, but i could care less now. Grims were fine before. Its a slow spawn, low drop area, and to add + earth mobs, if you did it intentionally or not, looks suspicious. There was NO reason to change the area, besides to benefit ones self. Two gradius can fucking own +earth addon mobs. Suspicious? im not the only one that thinks so. Lastly, my killing of Merrick and other lower players comes from one thing and one thing only. I was harassed as a new player, and it only made me strive to be a better player. I do this to make people strive to be better. This mud needs killing. Everyone is friendly and it makes me puke. why not taking PKilling out as a whole? I have never taken items, so i dont really see a problem with what happens. Anyways im done with this after i read your reply | ||
Re: enough is enough Friday, June 8th, 2007 at 2:32 amEdits: 1 Last Edit: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 2:53 am
I hope this cap ends the debates.
In short: 1) It's a mistake for a player to have a staff character. If I do more building, it will be on a restricted, permanent-invisible builder char. 2) I apologize for any actions that might have been construed as "talking shit." I was merely trying to roleplay a dwarf, not start a pkill war. In the future, I'll use my words more sparingly. Good night! (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron Torneria the Human Grand Inquisitor (Enoch) just logged in. (2139) (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "MORE GOGOGO DELTA" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "disaron...if he cheated, i would have site locked him" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "OK THATS NOT MY POINT THANKS BANE" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "i have a log of every command that he ever entered" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "K THANKS for clarification" (148 H 92 M): broad i'll make this quick b/c i'm tired ### Delta broadcasted, "i'll make this quick b/c i'm tired" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "my main point is lying" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "we tell staff not to admit they have a staff character" broad my couses: Life sciences 1B, Chem 27, MCB 80, Lit-Arts B-63 (148 H 92 M): ### Delta broadcasted, "my couses: Life sciences 1B, Chem 27, MCB 80, Lit-Arts B-63" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "there is no point to lie and it makes other suspicious" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "not delta's fault" (148 H 92 M): broad check those times ### Delta broadcasted, "check those times" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "he was following orders" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "i get that bane, but when its extremely obvious why lie?" (148 H 92 M): A surgeon just wandered away. (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "cuz we told him to?" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "if he admitted it we'd fire him?" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "lying brings suspicions" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "shrug ok" (148 H 92 M): broad Anyways, good night. In short though - No more CT. I agree, it's a mistake to have a staff char, and a regular player. ### Delta broadcasted, "Anyways, good night. In short though - No more CT. I agree, it's a mistake to have a staff char, and a regular player." (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "but I am not the only person that suspected things " (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "no wait delta" (148 H 92 M): ### Bane broadcasted, "well the problem is over, he has no staff character now" (148 H 92 M): broad hm? ### Delta broadcasted, "hm?" (148 H 92 M): ### Disaron broadcasted, "ok nm then" | ||
Realms Forum � Flame! � enough is enough |