Old Characters Saturday, March 10th, 2007 at 2:11 am
When Dom's back and gets the time to put in the new code, character restores from the '05 backup will be available. As I'm working on other things, what you see is what you get. If the characters aren't perfect or are missing something...sorry but it's better than nothing :P
There will be something posted in the news (on the mud) when it's ready to go.
The commands you'll use will be using are:
lookup <Name> <password>
This will let you look at an old character
restore <Name> <password> <newname>
This will let you restore an old character to a new name.
Once you restore a character to a name, that character will be erased from the archives, so make sure you get the name right
Passwords will be case-insensitive, so DoG is the same as dog. If you want it to have different cases...change it once you log in.
If you want to restore a character to the same name, you have to suicide that character first and login as someone else.