Old Characters

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Old Characters
Saturday, March 10th, 2007 at 2:11 am
When Dom's back and gets the time to put in the new code, character restores from the '05 backup will be available. As I'm working on other things, what you see is what you get. If the characters aren't perfect or are missing something...sorry but it's better than nothing :P

There will be something posted in the news (on the mud) when it's ready to go.

The commands you'll use will be using are:
lookup <Name> <password>
This will let you look at an old character

restore <Name> <password> <newname>
This will let you restore an old character to a new name.

Once you restore a character to a name, that character will be erased from the archives, so make sure you get the name right Smile

Passwords will be case-insensitive, so DoG is the same as dog. If you want it to have different cases...change it once you log in.

If you want to restore a character to the same name, you have to suicide that character first and login as someone else.

Here's an example:

(4980 H 5000 M): lookup johny
Syntax: lookup <player> <password>
(4991 H 5000 M): lookup johny <you wish>
| | |
+ << _ +
| / // |
+ .------------------------------------------------------------{o}______/| +
|< Johny the Executioner =====:::{*}///////////] |
+ `------------------------------------------------------------{o}~~~~~~| +
| Pkills (won/in): 2/2 (100%) / |
+ __________________________________ <</ ~ +
|/ |/ |
+_| Level : 19 Race : Tiefling | +
| | Class : Assassin | _________________________________ |
+ | Alignment : Chaotic Neutral | / +
| | Time played: | _| Total Experience : 2204458 | |
+ | 84 Days, 14 Hours, 57 Minutes. | | Experience Needed: 595542 | +
| | ______________________________|_ | Gold : 100006367 | |
+ _/_______________________________/ | Inventory Weight : 45 | +
| | Inventory Bulk : 72 (105) | |
| | Total Items : 20 | |
+ Hit Points : 4958/ 5000 | ____________________________|_ +
| Magic Points : 5000/ 5000 _/______________________________/|
+ Armor Class : 8 +
| |
+ / _ . Earth: 100% +
|____/_ ____ Str: 270 |_- Sharp : 100% | Air : 100% |
+ ___ / Dex: 270 | -| Thrust : 100% ;'''; Fire : 100% +
| / / / / Con: 290 /~ Blunt : 100% __ / ) __ Water: 100% |
+ / /__/_/ Int: 280 ` Pole : 100% ' / Elec : 100% +
|/__ _____ Pie: 280 Missile: 100% '...' Cold : 100% |
+ / Cleave : 100% | +
| / ` ` |
(4991 H 5000 M): restore johny <You wish> bart
Johny sucessfully restored to Bart!
(5000 H 5000 M): finger bart
Bart Tiefling Executioner
last login: Sat Mar 10 16:03:12 2007
No mail.
(5000 H 5000 M):

If you have any questions, ask on the forum.


Re: Old Characters
Friday, March 16th, 2007 at 11:29 am
Old characters may now be restored!

As always, if there are any bugs, let me know. If you find your inventory is messed up... too bad! Drop any funky items in the pawn.

(19 H 2 M): lookup min ****

|                                                             |            |
+                                                             <<         _ +
|                                                              /        // |
+ .------------------------------------------------------------{o}______/|  +
|<                   Min the Reporter              =====:::{*}///////////]  |
+ `------------------------------------------------------------{o}~~~~~~|  +
|                          Pkills (won/in):     0/0     (  0%)  /        |
+ __________________________________                          <</         ~ +
|/                                                          |/            |
+_| Level : 10   Race :   Halfling  |                                      +
|  | Class : Mage                    |  _________________________________   |
+  | Alignment : Chaotic Neutral     | /                                  +
|  | Time played:                    | _| Total Experience : 2009       |  |
+  | 29 Days, 11 Hours, 44 Minutes.  |   | Experience Needed: 157991     |  +
|  |   ______________________________|_  | Gold             : 399500     |  |
+   _/_______________________________/  | Inventory Weight : 74         |  +
|                                        | Inventory Bulk   : 67 (105)   |  |
|                                        | Total Items      : 16         |  |
+       Hit Points   :   312/  312       |   ____________________________|_ +
|       Magic Points :   187/  415        _/______________________________/|
+       Armor Class  :    9                                                 +
|                                                                           |
+     /                    _                          .        Earth: 0  % +
|____/_ ____   Str: 300 |_-   Sharp  : 20 %       |        Air  : 0  % |
+  ___   /   Dex: 170 |   -|  Thrust : 20 %     ;''';      Fire : 0  % +
| / /  / /    Con: 30    /~   Blunt  : 0  % __ /    ) __  Water: 0  % |
+ / /__/_/    Int: 300   `     Pole   : 0  %       ' /     Elec : 0  % +
|/__ _____   Pie: 190         Missile: 0  %     '...'      Cold : 0  % |
+      /                         Cleave : 0  %       |                    +
|     /                          `                    `                    |
(19 H 2 M): restore min **** mintwo

Min sucessfully restored to Mintwo!
(19 H 2 M): fing mintwo

Mintwo                  Halfling        Reporter
last login: Fri Mar 16 11:27:35 2007
No mail.
(19 H 2 M):
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

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