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| Anybody got tips for mages?Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 at 9:31 am
I'd like to play one, but I have no idea what armor they can wear, where they should kill, what their stun cycle is, what weapons they can use, etc etc.
| Re: Anybody got tips for mages?Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 at 11:37 am
get armor, get stoneskin, dont give into the urge to go str and not con. prepare to be rediculously bored running back and forth from tents.
| Re: Anybody got tips for mages?Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 at 4:29 pm
Why go con, if you never plan on getting hit? =P
My mage started with 2 con. Having a bonus in Strength allows me the additional 15-20 dmg for the occasional hit (+10%-30% more hits compared with low strength).
Don't get hit.
Leveling time = time in battle + time in-between battles. So, the more you can decrease time ticking (time in-between), the more time you can spend in battles (gaining experience). So, even if you can find a monster with 2X the experience per HP, compared with a lower one - you better also be able to finish it quickly, otherwise all the time ticking is wasted time. Hence, grouping is exponentially beneficial to stun/cast/flee classes, as the battles are quicker, and you can fight higher level monsters.
| Re: Anybody got tips for mages?Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 at 5:54 pm
bandit's current stats are 9 6 16 23 18