AvelynWednesday, March 21st, 2007 at 3:00 pm
Is the biggest pussy on the mud. He broadcasts- "why does everyone get so upset at pks", after he pks a low level, and then gets smoked by their alt, then he whines, bitches, hides on lawfool chars, or just sits in the clinic. The biggest bitch move is when he tries to attack you, then when he knows he is about to get smoked, logs off, like a little bitch. I geuss it doesn't really matter, because he is such a shitty player, he will never level anything past 11 or 12, and if he ever does, it will be lawfool, cause im gonna make sure he never gets past 10 on a chaotic char. So keep whining and crying you little pussy, its fun watching your pussy ass.