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Wednesday, March 21st, 2007 at 6:16 am
Sneak bug or new sneak feature? I don't have a text capture example but I will try to explain.

Two players are partied, Person A, and Person B, both in the same room.

Person A is not hidden, Person B is hidden.

Person B performs a sneak out of the room, but fails.

The odd thing: Person A gets notified, "You need to hide first.", when Person B fails.

Some sort of bug? Or can we expect a new group sneak feature, where all hidden party members automatically attempt to sneak in the direction of the party leader, after he sneaks?

Re: Sneaking
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007 at 9:27 am
It was a bug, and it's been fixed.

But group-sneak sounds pretty interesting, especially with a group of high level assassins.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Realms ForumQuestionsSneaking