I've been working on a separate branch of the code for some time now, which is why you haven't seen updates from me for a bit. I'm nearly finished and you should see some changes by the end of the week.
Creature superclass, Monster/Player subclass
If you're familiar with programming, the mud formerly used a creature class to handle both monsters and players. I've created Monster and Player subclasses to make a greater distinction between the two. This change doesn't mean much to the average player, but here's one:
Command Structure
The command structure of the mud has been rewritten to handle subclasses.
So what? Why do I care? The manner in which pets receive commands from their masters has been updated. Here are some text caps illustrating the changes:
: conjure fire
: You conjure a firey skeleton warrior.
A firey skeleton warrior (M) just arrived.
: pet spells
The firey skeleton warrior (M)'s Spells Known: burn, cure-poison, fireball, mend-wounds, vigor. (5)
The firey skeleton warrior (M)'s Spells Under: None.
: pet c burn wino
The firey skeleton warrior (M) casts a burn spell on the wino.
You now have the capacity to order your pets to cast specific spells. Note that you cannot currently order your pet to bash/circle/kick. These commands were designed to accept only players.
Pets haven't been given any new spells or special abilities - they were all there previously, the capacity to use them just wasn't coded. However, your pets should vig you when you're hurt:
: c ice
You cast a iceblade spell on yourself.
The spell did 75 damage.
: The firey skeleton warrior (M) casts a vigor spell on you.
: The firey skeleton warrior (M) casts a vigor spell on you.
In addition, code has been added to keep you from attacking your pets and to keep your pets from attacking you. This should prevent any accidents when you're in the middle of combat with a similarly-named foe.
: pet c fireball dominus
Pets cannot attack their masters.
The interface in which you manage your preferences has been completely redone. Additionally, a toggle command has been added:
: set
mirc :: mirc colors :: off
ansi :: ansi colors :: on
langcolor :: language colors :: on
extracolor :: extra color options :: off
cls :: class channel :: on
race :: race channel :: on
broad :: broadcast channel :: on
newbie :: newbie channel :: on
gossip :: gossip channel :: on
clan :: clan channel :: on
tells :: send/tell/whisper/sign :: on
ignore :: ignore all channels ::
duel :: duel messages :: on
login :: login messages :: on
shopprofit :: shop profit notifications :: on
mail :: mudmail notifications :: on
group :: group combat messages :: on
permdeath :: perm death broadcasts :: on
auction :: player auctions :: on
notifications :: show all notifications ::
autoattack :: auto attack :: off
lagprotect :: lag protection :: off
lagrecall :: recall potion if below half hp :: on
wimpy :: flee when HP below this number :: off
killaggros :: attack aggros first :: on
mobnums :: monster ordinal numbers :: on
follow :: can be followed :: on
autowear :: wear all on login :: off
short :: short description :: on
long :: long description :: on
prompt :: descriptive prompt :: off
nlprompt :: newline after prompt :: off
summon :: can be summoned :: off
split :: split gold among group :: off
stats :: show group your stats :: off
xpprompt :: show exp in prompt :: off
pkill :: show pkill percentage :: off
afk :: away from keyboard :: off
: toggle pkill
Preference : show pkill percentage : on.
: toggle pkill
Preference : show pkill percentage : off.
Two things to note: the "
ignore" and "
notifications" preferences are shortcuts to set/clear everything in their respective categories.
Second, all preferences have been reworded to work in the positive manner. Note that "
set nopkill" has been changed to "
clear pkill" and "
set nosummon" to "
clear summon". However, in the case of summon, "
nosummon" is currently being maintained so it doesn't cause any accidental deaths in hairy sitations.
In addition, the autoattack preference has been fixed, so you won't have to worry about it crashing the mud anymore.
A sleep command has been added, working similar to sit. Read "
help sleep" for more details.
I'm planning on putting these changes live by the end of the week, probably on Friday. I'd like to do some more testing on them to make sure there are no major bugs that crop up. With luck, everything will go smoothly, and I can start working on some new projects.

Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.