Bugged out loot bag

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Bugged out loot bag
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 at 3:54 am
Loot bag is suppose to hold 5 correct?

(111 H 80 M 0X): l loot
You see a lightweight bag.
It contains: a granite troll-cleaver (+1), a humming crystalline orb (M), some mithril-studded boots (+1), a soulripper's hook (+3).
The loot bag is an object of lore.
(111 H 80 M 0X): put ochre loot
The loot bag can't hold anymore.

I think we had this bag bug before. I remember stealing one of Joan's bags with a lore item (that I had in my inventory) in it and it bugged out the slots when I returned it.

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionBugged out loot bag