New Socials

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New Socials
Thursday, May 17th, 2007 at 11:01 pm
Two new socials:

Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: New Socials
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 at 4:56 am
How about adding:

You excuse yourself.
excuse dominus
You excuse Dominus.

pick (works just like kick social and kick skill)
You pick your nose inconspicuously.
pick dominus
You reach over and pick Dominus' nose.

Re: New Socials
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 at 4:57 amEdits: 1   Last Edit: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 4:58 am
touch (work like kick)

touch joan
You touch Joan's naughty spot.
Joan moans uncontrollably.

You push a little to hard and shart your pants.
Squirt! Disaron needs to check his pants for stains.

Re: New Socials
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 at 9:43 am
i know this isnt a social...but it is a command that would come in use

can we have a command that just removes our weapon?

On body:   a displacer cloak
On arms:   some ethereal-shadow sleeves
On legs:   some ethereal-shadow leggings
On neck:   a Kakkaran sand cloak
On hands:  some glacier-studded gloves
On head:   a pointy wizard's hat
On waist:  an iron-studded leather belt
On feet:   some spurred boots
On face:   an alanthium facemask
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
Shield:    a glacier-spiked buckler
Wielded:   a dragon-fanged staff
(162 H 40 M 450647X): 
A seraphic defender just arrived.
(162 H 40 M 450647X): 
remove wea
You removed a dragon-fanged staff.

this command will automatically remove the weapon you are wielding, so you don't have to be weapon specific.. I think this would be useful when you are fleeing, instead of remove all flee and risking a chance of taking a hit

Re: Re: New Socials
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 at 11:48 am
zale wrote:

this command will automatically remove the weapon you are wielding, so you don't have to be weapon specific.. I think this would be useful when you are fleeing, instead of remove all flee and risking a chance of taking a hit

I've always wondered why people rem all when they flee instead of just their weapon. If you use zMUD it's pretty easy to set up an alias and macro to just remove just your weapon, which is how I've done it for years.

Re: New Socials
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 at 3:24 pm
"rem all ; wear all ; flee" works if you don't want to get into using zmud variables.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: New Socials
Friday, June 29th, 2007 at 9:41 am

i know all of this and was hoping a new command could be made =D

Re: New Socials
Friday, June 29th, 2007 at 1:34 pm
What I do is just flee....and worry about my weapon later. Unless I've planned ahead for battle - then I do what Luminaire does with the macros.

Re: New Socials
Sunday, March 9th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
As of version 2.40 I'll make the disarm command, when used with no arguments, remove all of your weapons.

(6 H 2 M): k f
You attack the farmer.
You missed.
(6 H 2 M): !
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(6 H 2 M): !
Please wait 1 more second.
(6 H 2 M): !
The farmer hit you for 2 damage.
(4 H 2 M): You missed.
(4 H 2 M): !
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(4 H 2 M): disarm
You removed a hoe.
(4 H 2 M): flee
Please wait 1 more second.
The farmer missed you.
(4 H 2 M): !
You flee in terror.

Re: New Socials
Sunday, March 9th, 2008 at 10:42 pm
Can we have a social that lets you point to your mouth and shake your head in case you're mute? same goes for if you are blind

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