Lazarus death

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Lazarus death
Thursday, May 3rd, 2007 at 3:20 amEdits: 1   Last Edit: Thu, 3 May 2007 3:21 am
Boo, this was due to my internet kicking out for a second, so gay lol. Surprised lag protect didnt use my hazy, i still have 85hp and and pet, and -0 ac

Seagull and Mug Tavern

This is a big pirate hangout.
You can almost always find pirates lounging around in this comfortable
bar which features plenty of booze, women, and good music.  Fights
break out here on a regular basis, for the various pirate groups
don't often get along.
Obvious exits: out.
You see a Dauphine captain, a granite elephant.
You see 1757 gold coins, two Kakkaran sand cloaks, a large white pearl, an oak long bow, two rune-handled
  daggers, nine sitars, five steel warhammers, three steel-barbed whips, two thin stillettos, some throwing
  stars, a two handed broadsword.

(90 H 33 M 44328X): A Dauphine captain just arrived.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): get go
You get 1757 gold coins.
You now have 183345 gold pieces.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): get pearl
You get a large white pearl.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): A Kakkaran saracen just arrived.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): pet k sar
The granite elephant attacks the Kakkaran saracen.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): The granite elephant hit the Kakkaran saracen for 15 damage.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
You slashed the Kakkaran saracen for 25 damage.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
The Kakkaran saracen tried to bash you.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 2 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 1 more second.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 1 more second.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 1 more second.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 1 more second.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
You slashed the Kakkaran saracen for 20 damage.
--> Melfina sent, "why don't you find ouuuttt"
The Kakkaran saracen missed you.
The granite elephant casts a rumble spell on the Kakkaran saracen.
The Airship Challenger docks in Gnomebarrow.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 1 more second.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 1 more second.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 1 more second.
k sar
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
You slashed the Kakkaran saracen for 21 damage.
The granite elephant misses the Kakkaran saracen.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): Please wait 3 more seconds.
(90 H 33 M 44328X): The Kakkaran saracen hit you for 25 damage.
The granite elephant misses the Kakkaran saracen.
(65 H 33 M 44328X): *wt tried to use
--> Lazarus sent, "tried to use"
(65 H 33 M 44328X): k sar
You slashed the Kakkaran saracen for 21 damage.
A drow raider just arrived.
The granite elephant hit the Kakkaran saracen for 17 damage.
k sar
(68 H 36 M 44328X): Please wait 3 more seconds.
(68 H 36 M 44328X): c v
Vigor spell cast.
(85 H 34 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 3 more seconds.
(85 H 34 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 2 more seconds.
(85 H 34 M 44328X): k sar
Please wait 2 more seconds.
k sar
k sar
k sar
rem all
Connected to host
Realms of Hell (RoH Beta v2.01c)
         Based on Mordor by Brett Vickers, Brooke Paul.
Programmed by: Jason Mitchell and Tim Callahan.
Contributions by: Jonathan Hseu.
                                                      ,  ,
                                                     / / 
                                                     (/ //_ _
  .-._                                                ||  .  
    '-._                                      _,:__.-"/---_ 
 ____/___  '.    .------------------------------'~-'--.)__( , ) 
'-___  _  /     |       Welcome To                   ,'    )| |
   /_.-' _  _:,_  ________       The   ._                 |
 .'__ _.' '-/,-~   ____    ___ _____  | |   _____   _____ |
     '. ___.> /=,|   |     _// _ __   | |  /      / ___/ |
      / .-'/_ )  |   |  |     __/ / __ | |_|  . .  __   |
      )'  ( /(/  |   |__|_  /__  >____  /___/__|_|  /___  > |
            "  |        /    /     /  of Hell /    /  |
            '==' __________________________________________/

Choose - [A]nsi color, [M]irc color, or [N]o color
ANSI Color activated.
Please enter name: eq
Name must be at least 3 characters.
Please enter name: arc
Please enter password: ashsrh
Connected to host
Realms of Hell (RoH Beta v2.01c)
         Based on Mordor by Brett Vickers, Brooke Paul.
Programmed by: Jason Mitchell and Tim Callahan.
Contributions by: Jonathan Hseu.
                                                      ,  ,
                                                     / / 
                                                     (/ //_ _
  .-._                                                ||  .  
    '-._                                      _,:__.-"/---_ 
 ____/___  '.    .------------------------------'~-'--.)__( , ) 
'-___  _  /     |       Welcome To                   ,'    )| |
   /_.-' _  _:,_  ________       The   ._                 |
 .'__ _.' '-/,-~   ____    ___ _____  | |   _____   _____ |
     '. ___.> /=,|   |     _// _ __   | |  /      / ___/ |
      / .-'/_ )  |   |  |     __/ / __ | |_|  . .  __   |
      )'  ( /(/  |   |__|_  /__  >____  /___/__|_|  /___  > |
            "  |        /    /     /  of Hell /    /  |
            '==' __________________________________________/

Choose - [A]nsi color, [M]irc color, or [N]o color

Still performing DNS lookup, please be patient!

Please enter name: lazarus
Please enter password: booidied
rem all

### Lazarus Orcbane the Dwarven Stone Patriarch (Gradius) just logged in. (50)


You are dead. You are in Limbo. It's a terrible place.
Death is not a very pleasant thing. You are now in limbo surrounded
by primal chaos. Every part of your spirit is being torn in every
direction. It is hard to think - hard to know where you are. You
begin to lose all sense of individuality. In the distance, you can
see a shining light. In the light is safety. You'd better get
there fast, or your spirit will be lost forever!
Obvious exits: light.
You see Rez.

A granite elephant just arrived.
Welcome to the Realms of Hell! (Last updated: 4/11/07)
| The latest Highport Daily (04-24-07) is now out!    |
|                                                     |
| There have been several significant changes to the  |
| code involving dying, channels, deathknights and    |
| paladins! Check out the forum for more details.     |


DMs: Bane, Dominus
CTs: Rihani

If you are new, please type HELP WELCOMEREALMS as soon
as you log in. In addition, type HELP POLICY and read
the entire file as soon as possible.
******************* WATCHER NEWS ********************
Watcher News File (Last modified 2/10/07)

Watchers currently online: Melfina, Lazarus.
(101 H 72 M 367678X): You aren't wearing anything that can be removed.
(101 H 72 M 367678X): You failed to escape!
(101 H 72 M 367678X): who

Players currently online:
[ 8:Lich] L Rez the Cambion Darkmage
[23:Cler] L Melfina the Half-Elven High Priestess (Ceris)
[12:Pala] N Purge the Human Defender (Enoch)
[18:Cler] N Lazarus Orcbane the Dwarven Stone Patriarch (Gradius) [Smother Brothers]

(101 H 72 M 367678X): Rez went to the light.
(101 H 72 M 367678X): A granite elephant fades away.
(101 H 72 M 367678X): The Gilded Edge arrives at An'honi Island.
(101 H 72 M 367678X): who

Players currently online:
[ 8:Lich] L Rez the Cambion Darkmage
[23:Cler] L Melfina the Half-Elven High Priestess (Ceris)
[12:Pala] C Purge the Human Defender (Enoch)
[18:Cler] N Lazarus Orcbane the Dwarven Stone Patriarch (Gradius) [Smother Brothers]

(101 H 72 M 367678X): You feel less pious.

Re: Lazarus death
Thursday, May 3rd, 2007 at 3:57 pm
OMG a smother brother died! And you were about to beat me to lvl 19 too....get Res?

Realms ForumIn-Game DiscussionLazarus death