This was originally posted by Mordeith on Domboard.
Well, first things first, stats:
Basically, all paladins have to be human, because face it, seraph sucks for that class. Regardless of what you do, you should have at least 17 piety to start with.
Str, con, piety based, enphasis on con:
With starting stats: 14 3 18 3 17
Raise Con lower dex:
Resulting stats at level 16:
STR: 170(+2)
DEX: 40 (-3)
CON: 220(+3)
INT: 70 (-1)
PIE: 210(+3)
Hit Points: 131 Magic Points: 48
Str, piety, mix con and int:
Race: Human Class: Paladin
With starting stats: 14 2 12 11 17
Raise Int lower dex
Resulting stats at level 16:
STR: 170(+2)
DEX: 40 (-3)
CON: 150(+1)
INT: 140(+1)
PIE: 210(+3)
Hit Points: 122 Magic Points: 48
My own stats are:
Race: Human Class: Paladin
With starting stats: 11 2 19 6 18
Resulting stats at level 16:
STR: 140(+1)
DEX: 40 (-3)
CON: 220(+3)
INT: 90 (0)
PIE: 220(+3)
Hit Points: 131 Magic Points: 48
Out of all of these I probaly would recomend the second, as it allows you to cast and resist spells more. However, it is up to you.
For leveling, just kill stuff normally until you get to level 7, but after this point you got to start minding your aura so:
7-10 Kenner
10-13 Highport Graveyard/DK temple (northernmost room)
13-16 GY and Revanants (grouped only)
16+ Beyond this I recommend that you just group with others and try to stay good aura'd, you could try slain demon lords if you want, but only with 2+ other high level people.
Paladins are awesome damage dealers, and with a decent weapon and strength, hitting for high 20's is common while fighting the evil creatures of Derlith. I have 15 str right now and I've hit up to 32 with a stormblade with goodness damage.

Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.