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| Armor list:Friday, March 19th, 2010 at 4:00 pm
This is sort of a request, but does anybody have info on armor for different level variations. I think this would be helpful to people who don't really know where to get armor. Mostly for lower levels, as an example my level 9 Berserker is wearing large plate mail from highport, mixed with the chain mail and an argentine visor, I could probably be wearing better but not sure what levels are for what equipment =P. I have some of the fused/gleaming armor set but can't equip yet, Silvered mithril is level 25, other high level plate level 35, need something better for now =)
Someone who has more info on this stuff would be really helpful including leather etc. Again, mostly for low-mid range levels please, a lot of us know how to get the higher stuff already =)
| Re: Armor list:Friday, March 19th, 2010 at 8:51 pm
I'd look around in Ruhrdan, there's a lot of lowbie-friendly stuff there. Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.
| Re: Armor list:Friday, March 19th, 2010 at 10:52 pm
Same with Caladon.  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 
| Re: Armor list:Sunday, March 21st, 2010 at 12:39 am Edits: 1 Last Edit: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:43 am
Well, i checked out rhurdan and caladon for some plate armor. Caladon plate u buy at starting area is worse than large plate mail, but better than the chain mail set from highport. Therefore is allows me to at least have a full low level set of plate (since large plate mail is only armor,boots,gloves,legs,sleeves) Now as for rhurdan, i bought etched bone armor and killed mobs for bulldemon armor, both which are plate but both cannot be equipped as of level 11. I'm not sure what the level differences in these pieces are but im having trouble finding low level plate that isnt starter set, seems like a big jump till i can equip the next stuff. Currently my berserker can get same armor percentage as an even level cleric of aramon with leather equipment u can find for them, and that with the aramon using worse rings and a few of the starter leather pieces still =P
Edit: by the way, in durgas falls Argentine armor set drops which is plate, but it is worse than the starting set you get in highport, these mobs range from like level 6-11
| Re: Armor list:Sunday, March 21st, 2010 at 12:07 pm
I remember when argintine armor use to be the shit! what i used for zerkers back in the day....ooo back in the day when armor didn't matter much..
| Re: Armor list:Sunday, March 21st, 2010 at 5:34 pm
well, bit better, talked to luminaire and he reminded me about gorgon stuff, astral, and rothe bracers (which are leather sadly but still good) gorgon works for level 11, astral girdle works but not helm and bracers work well =) Although the etched bone stuff you can buy in rhurdan, even at level 15 seems to not be equippable. I did also find in tradetown, where hornscar is you can buy crimson plate stuff, i did not check if these were better than large plate mail, but obviously its worse than gorgon. The gloves here and neckguard are both better than the orc-plate stuff you can buy in beginner caladon store (but a lot more expensive =P) The glove is worth the upgrade but not the neck lol.
| Re: Armor list:Monday, March 22nd, 2010 at 3:26 am
This inspired me to go around and collect armor information from every shop in the game....so far I've done highport, caladon, druidwood and tradetown.
As of now the list is in spreadsheet format but i think i'm going to convert it to a database in Access so that it is easier to filter through information based on town, price, size, armor type and armor points.
Ultimately I'll add all of the info the the wiki for reference.
If I'm not going to grind exp with the rest of you I may as well do something useful
| Re: Armor list:Monday, March 22nd, 2010 at 3:31 am
Yay! Thank you so much, Lum. Your time is appreciated. This will be very helpful for everyone that has absolutely no idea where to get some starter gear. Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.
| Re: Armor list:Monday, March 22nd, 2010 at 8:14 am
Yah,that is a great idea lum =) There are probably some armor pieces that could be tweaked to make armor more streamlined and accessible for newbies, but that might be figured out from your investigation. I guess in the long run, armor will probably need quite the overhall, mostly for lowbies heh. I'll just list a little comparison that I find a bit odd between my berserker Kharn, and my old cultist (who i gave to ponyo) currently still named Neji.
This is Neji's current equipment/armor stat. Not as optimized as it could be but still great for his level.
On body: a displacer cloak
On arms: some ethereal-shadow sleeves
On legs: some demon skin leggings
On neck: a Kakkaran sand cloak
On hands: some glacier-studded gloves
On head: a mithril-studded hood
On waist: a greensilk sash
On feet: some mithril-studded boots
On face: a hunting mask
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
On finger: a ring of protection
Shield: a glacier-spiked buckler
(74 H 44 M): sc
Neji the Cultist (level 11)
74/ 74 Hit Points 44/ 44 Magic Points Armor: 517 (68%)
Now compared to Kharn, level 12 wearing plate (except rothe which is leather). He also has better rings (dunno how good gleaming ring is lol).
(145 H 116,093X): eq
On body: a gorgon scale chestplate
On arms: some rothe bracers
On legs: some gorgon scale leggings
On neck: a crimson plate neckguard
On hands: some crimson plate gloves
On head: a dragonhorn helm
On waist: a black chain waistguard
On feet: some gorgon scale boots
On face: Br's facemask
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: a gleaming iron ring
Shield: a red dragonscale shield
(145 H 116,093X): sc
Kharn the Battlerager (level 12)
145/145 Hit Points Armor: 583 (69%)
Seems Neji could get same armor or better after upgrading rings, which is kinda funny considering he's in leather heh. (Sorry lum, kharn didnt get a girdle yet lol).
ANYWAYS, on a side note I find it funny how luminaire and usagi are watchers, but on this forum I can only see the title watcher under my name and not under both of yours =) naah na na naa naah
| Re: Armor list:Monday, March 22nd, 2010 at 2:56 pm Edits: 1 Last Edit: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 3:07 pm
Well hit level 13 on kharn, he can now used fused iron equipment from golems and bulldemon from rhurdan, fused chestpiece better than gorgon, but fused boots worse than gorgon =P Bulldemon gloves better than gorgon gloves =)
Also, bulldemon chest is worse than fused chest, bulldemon shield is better than red dragonscale, bulldemon boots worse than gorgon boots