Not that it matters now.

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Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:02 pm
The MUD is fairly easy once you get the basics down. Our current playerbase consists of mostly people that have played for a year or more.

I do feel that RoH has a lot of room for improvement for being more lowbie-friendly for those that know nothing about the world and its system (hi Oakspire, as a starting city).

Such information can be easily put into the wiki, which I work on frequently. Sometimes basic but important things, as the aforementioned, seem like "common sense" to veteran players and thus I may miss them as wiki entries.

I'll go ahead and see if I can post something about it. The help files are definitely not updated, and I would very much suggest referring to the wiki or asking me for some updated information. Of course, I'm not always on ... and the wiki is player-run, thus not complete.

We do appreciate feedback from newbies/lowbies though. It's a whole different perspective of things. So it'd be nice if you choose to hang out with us longer Smile
Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:06 pmEdits: 1   Last Edit: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 8:07 pm
On another note, if we know people are new to the MUD or old players that are returning and not familiar with the basics ... can we not pick on them?

I understand the old pkilling spirit and whatnot. But it's also nice if we can expand the number of our players. And not scare people off while they're still trying to learn the MUD.

I've witnessed enough of this already. And I don't want to rape people for doing so. But I don't like seeing it.

Please stop.
Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:13 pm
who ever said this shit is to easy.... is a nerd lol

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:17 pm
I'm not sure if Plu is referring to me, but I didn't kill any of the new players and don't expect to, despite the rat botting. I stole his bag, but gave it back, and left him be. I believe this reply was directed at "FORSAKEN RAGE" who have taken on the task of "BOT POLICE" themselves. Their new role should be more carefully inspected, for they should be policing some of their own, Zalebot!

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:25 pm
It's directed at everyone who has done so. They know who they are :P

Mulva, I haven't seen you do it before.

And the only circumstances under which I'll agree with it is ... yes, botters. Botters are free-for-all Smile
Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:32 pm
Wheres the best place to bot? should have answers from alot of people..... lol

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:32 pmEdits: 1   Last Edit: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 8:34 pm
That's BS. I've never botted. I train skills at those rats. If I was botting I think I woulda been caught and punished. For example it's so easy to train backstab there. I don't even have to hide, I just backstab fail and skill up, but it's on a rat so I can just walk away. I once skilled up backstab from 0 to 90 without ever having a successful backstab. The same goes for parry, it's simply easier to let a rat hit me and try to get parry to fire. Sometimes while doing this I step away from the computer, if you stopped to notice, while i'm away, nothing happens. I just don't time out because of this dumb satellite internet. Not that this has anything to do with my original thread.

In fact I think there is already a thread started about my supposed botting practices in in-game duscussion.

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:34 pm
hey n00b i said sorry for killing you lol Horse

Re: Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
Nimh wrote:
That's BS. I've never botted. I train skills at those rats. If I was botting I think I woulda been caught and punished. For example it's so easy to train backstab there. I don't even have to hide, I just backstab fail and skill up, but it's on a rat so I can just walk away. I once skilled up backstab from 0 to 90 without ever having a successful backstab. The same goes for parry, it's simply easier to let a rat hit me and try to get parry to fire. Sometimes while doing this I step away from the computer, if you stopped to notice, while i'm away, nothing happens. I just don't time out because of this dumb satellite internet. Not that this has anything to do with my original thread.

Easy there Nimh, I'm pretty sure Mulva was trying to make some silly attempt to make us out as botters, even though him and his buddies were the ones who got caught. I personally have never seen Zale, or anyone in the Forsaken Rage bot.

....Mulva, grow up Evil

Re: Not that it matters now.
Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 8:43 pm
Ah my bad, I shouldn't have taken it personally. Someone else accused me of botting and I'm over-sensitive about it lol. If anyone could pull it off it's me! Seeing as how I'm never idle >.> But theres just not enough players to even try to get away with it. Oh and umm it's against the rules! That is important too ..

Realms ForumFlame!Not that it matters now.
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