Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:02 pm
Everyone thank mulva for forcing my recent conversion to lawfool. Forever destroying everyone else's chances to take advantage of the lowbie. It's not so much that she ripped me off, that I expected from a female err I mean thief. It's that she did it while I was afk in a clinic. If I'm not safe in clinics and lagprotect and wimpy won't help me in the fields, then the safest thing I think I can do is not log in. Good job alienating the only newish person to the mud trying to raise a character. I'm gonna go play wow.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:11 pm
LOL at whoever you are. If you were that bard in the clinic that i stole a loot bag from and then gave it back, you're an idiot. You converted to lawfool even though I gave you back your lame loot bag with garbage in it. I was even nice enough to leave you there and not even kill you. No one ever said I, Mulva, was a chick.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:13 pmEdits: 1 Last Edit: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 5:29 pm
Take it easy girl, I'm not flaming you, I'm flaming roh. I'm pretty sure I made that obvious. :p
Ok maybe not obvious. I'm sorry dude, I totally expected you and your ilk to rip me off. I did not expect it to happen in a clinic. It's the game I'm flaming. At least in other games I know when I'm in a safe area, since there are guards posted or they tell you outright. Here there is no such help. I guess I'm spoiled by the practices of hugely successful games of Everquest and World of Warcraft.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Sitting in the clinic is pretty safe. Unless you were scared/ported out, it's most probable that it was stolen even before you got there. You can't steal in neutral rooms :P
Dominus offered to help you out with the lagprotect thing. But I'm pretty sure they can't do much about it if you can't relay to them what the ISP is sending the MUD.
And WoW is nice, but monthly fees aren't. Hence why RoH still wins as my timesink
Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Drakken clinic must not be a neutral room. I scrolled up while afk and saw mulva had been practicing on me. Unless I was feared out and missed it. It doesn't matter I'm lawful now. I don't have to worry about it. But as I said assuming I wasn't feared out and completely missed it, there is nothing informing me if I'm in a safe area, something you only learn from experience. Another way this game caters to it's experienced population, and not a new one.
Re: Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
Drakken clinic is NOT a neutral room.
There is a way to see if you are in a safe room...type WHO, it lists who is on, and shows either C L or N next to there name, if there is an N next to a person's name, that means they are in a neutral room.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 6:35 pm
Thank you for this information huk, I was unawares. I wonder if this information is available in the alignment help file or tutorial. Somehow I doubt it.
Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 6:54 pm
I'm sorry, I was rude and I apologize. Please believe If I was a better player I probably wouldn't even be having these issues. It bums me out that I can't find another mud I enjoy as much as roh. There is just no equal. I just wish more people played and It was easier for newer players or as in my case bad players. I guess I've heard a lot of people complain about the mud being too easy, and perhaps I just can't cut it. I don't believe this to be the case and therefore I complain. The bitterness probably comes from playing off and on again for 13 years and not showing any improvement, (me not the mud). Again I apologize and will be more constructive in my complaints and comments.
Re: Re: Not that it matters now. Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 6:56 pm
If you see things that can be improved - please, point them out. Say, "Dominus, add this L-N-C distinction to the tutorial!" I'm more than glad to help make the game easier for new people, so your insight would be much appreciated.
Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.