Dominus your internet sucks! I can do that right Falme an inanimate object right that works. Well anyways I hate you internet you should kill yourself or sense you already lack life you should just burn brun bitch burn! Ya take it! Ya I just did that I just flamed you HA!
You're always so amazing when you're drunk, Disaron. You live the crazy life for me.
Usagi <27> Werewolf. Sexy furball.
Plu <40> Mage/Thief. Pickpocketing for justice.
Ulp <40> Cleric (Ares). Lifts a ton, but can't spell it.
Miko <40> Cleric/Assassin (Aramon). She uses teeth.
Nili <40> Cleric (Gradius). Bearded woman.