Poison / Diseases / Curses

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Poison / Diseases / Curses
Friday, November 7th, 2008 at 7:41 pm
I'm moving poison, disease, and curses (ie, festering wounds) to effects. This means you can type effects and see how long you are poisoned for. Because I can't convert damage exactly, it will be slightly different (for example, poison and disease will strike twice as fast now but do half as much damage each time).

This lets us put some more detail into poison instead of you are/are not poisoned. We can set the strength much more accurately now, letting us distinguish between weak poison and strong poison.

This is being done in preparation for giving clerics of Arachnus a poisoning attack. I'll also post how envenom will change with this new functionality (probably not much).

I'll let you know when this is in.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Friday, November 14th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
I've figured out poison damage. By default poison from a monster will do the monster's level in damage to you every 20 seconds if you have 120 constitution or under. Higher constitution reduces both the duration and damage. Monsters' poison strength can be customized by builders.

If you're going to be fighting monsters with poison, stock up on jade potions.

This should be ready to be put live this weekend, Monday at the latest.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 11:00 pm
Poison / disease / curses are now running on the new system.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 7:10 pmEdits: 2   Last Edit: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 7:25 pm
I'm still confused about how slow-poison works!

(121 H 108 M): Poison courses through your veins.
(103 H 108 M): Vigor spell cast.
(109 H 106 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.
(109 H 106 M): Vigor spell cast.
(116 H 104 M): Vigor spell cast.
(124 H 107 M): Poison courses through your veins.
(106 H 107 M): Vigor spell cast.
(113 H 105 M): (113 H 105 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.
(113 H 105 M): Vigor spell cast.
(120 H 103 M): Vigor spell cast.
(128 H 106 M): Vigor spell cast.
(136 H 104 M): (136 H 104 M): Poison courses through your veins.
(119 H 104 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.
(119 H 104 M): Vigor spell cast.
(129 H 102 M): Vigor spell cast.
(140 H 100 M): (140 H 100 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.
(140 H 105 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.
(148 H 103 M): Poison courses through your veins.
(132 H 103 M): Slow-poison spell cast on yourself.
You feel the poison subside somewhat.
Nothing happens.

It doesn't show up on my effects, it doesn't say I have it casted on me, and it's not costing me any mp to try to cast it on myself.

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 9:24 pm
I forgot to mention that this is poison from traps. Perhaps the poison induced by mobs is fine, but the toxic room ones are buggy?

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
What about Fear? I noticed that does not show up under effects...is it supposed to be that way?

Re: Poison / Diseases / Curses
Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 10:18 pm
Plu: All better!

Huk: Fear hasn't been moved over to effects yet; not particular reason why.
Angel Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Evil

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