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| Monsters Casting SpellsFriday, November 7th, 2008 at 9:54 am
It looks like talking to monsters and having them cast spells on you was broken. I fixed it. Here's an Oceancrest mob you can all go find:
: talk mage bless
The healing mage (M) says to you, "You have been blessed for a while. See that you deserve it."
The healing mage (M) casts bless on you.
You feel holy.
:  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 
| Re: Monsters Casting SpellsFriday, November 7th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
In addition to fixing this, I added the ability to pay monsters to cast a spell on you.
There are now two hidden monsters in Limbo: a priestess of Ceris and a deacon of Aramon. For $300,000, they will cast resurrection and bloodfusion on you.
Advan: I am more than willing to raise this price if you feel it will steal too much business from you.  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 
| Re: Monsters Casting SpellsFriday, November 7th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
This has been increased to $400,000 until I can code a way to make it variable based on level.
This turned out to be much easier than I thought.
The Limbo perms are set to charge $15,000 per level or $400,000 for a ress, whichever you prefer to pay.  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 