Hardcore Halloween Tournament

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Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 3:44 pm
Since I played Castlenet Mordor for 4 years before playing RoH I'd love to use my knowledge of Oceancrest to dominate this contest. If only I could log into the mud from work. Bah.

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 4:43 pm
Lumin: connect to port 23, nobody blocks that!

In other news, most of the shops have been fixed. A few of them still had no items in them, but those came to us that way.

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 6:46 pm
it's great that you made all items drop when u die.. and after making it to lvl 7.. got aggrow by 3 city guards and well they raped me.... but now.. they block items and yea.. well there's not really a point in going back to pick up.... =

Waterfront Plaza

Waterfront Plaza boasts a number of specialty shops. To the northeast
is Rudolph's Fighting Academy, where fighters of low to middle level
experience train. To the northwest is the Adventures Unlimited shop
called Treasure Maps and Accessories. Although they sell treasure maps
and other scrolls, it has not been determined if these are very useful.
To the southeast is Renee's Elven Leather Works for fine leather crafted
material, made the way elves like it. To the south is the Tired Camel
Fine Imports shop where useful items may be traded. Finally, on the
southwest is Michael's Repair Shop, where all weapons and armors may
be repaired for a modest fee.
Obvious exits: east, south, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest.
You see a city guard.
You see 40328 gold coins, an Oceancrest map, some cloth pants, some cloth shoes, some cloth sleeves, a cloth vest, a druidian hood, a gold ring, a grey scroll, a guide to Oceancrest, eight
hornblades, a katana blade, a metal visor, a sabre, a soaring papyrus, a swirly potion, an unbreakable papyrus, a whisping parchment.

(50 H):


Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 11:51 pm

(41 H 3,145X): break wand
You manage to break the silver wand.
You gain 213 experience for your deed.
The broken silver wand explodes!
You take 41 damage from the release of magical energy!
### Sadly, Herboid was vaporized in a magical explosion.
You drop your weapon.
You have become afflicted with death sickness.

                 You have died.

As a hardcore character, this death is permanent.

General player statistics:
  Level:            6
  Total Experience: 11,762
  Time Played:      10 Hours, 52 Minutes

Tracking statistics since: Fri Oct 31 00:25:20 2008
  Swings:       1,268
  Hits:         1,009 (79%)
  Misses:       117 (9%)
  Fumbles:      29 (2%)
  Criticals:    83 (6%)
  Dodges:       44
  Times Hit:    477
  Times Missed: 24
  Deaths:       1
  Kills:        645
  Player kills: 6/6 (100%)

  Spells cast:  0
  Wands used:   9
  Potions used: 7

Most / Largest
  Largest group:             2
  Toughest monster killed:   city guard
  Most damage in one attack: 154 with a khopesh sword

  Hazies/word-of-recalls used: 0
  Lagouts:                     3

### Herboid's soul is lost forever.
### Herboid just logged off.

Press [RETURN] to reconnect or type quit to disconnect.

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 11:58 pm
Woah! With this strange turn of events, I will now announce the winners of the first day of the Hardcore Halloween Tournament.

1: In first place is Citarre at level 7.

2: In second place is Johnybot at level 5.
But, since Bane doesn't need money...
2: In second place is Armand at level 3.

3: In third place is Hond at level 2.

I'll contact you in-game shortly to see which character you wish to receive the prize money.

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Saturday, November 1st, 2008 at 2:57 pm
Just minor, but the MUD crashed yesterday when Arsenal died to disease in Oceancrest.

Re: Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 12:31 pm
Usagi wrote:
Just minor, but the MUD crashed yesterday when Arsenal died to disease in Oceancrest.

This took a bit, but I tracked it down!

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 at 7:30 pm
I propose that anyone who levels a character over 7 (or 10) and survives the contest gets to keep their character after the contest ends.
I think it's too much work to just have our chars get deleted.
Anyway, that's just my thinking.


Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 at 7:39 pm
That could easily be done. Should only the winner get to keep their equipment? If everyone can, will the money and art be good enough for 1st place?

Re: Hardcore Halloween Tournament
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 at 8:07 pm
I could be wrong, but the equipment in Oceancrest is easily eclipsed by the most basic Realms equipment. Remember that og Mordor had only a couple kickass weapons, like Dragon Blade +3 or Flaming Sword of Death +3. Even these items were 5d4+5(+3) and 4d5+3(+3) or so, which would be weak in comparison to even a simple stormblade.
I figure equipment or none, it doesn't matter much. The money and prestige of winning/surviving should be enough.

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