Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Friday, June 6th, 2008 at 4:11 pm
Why do you think I put all that damn time into coding skills? So we can add some skills to different classes to avoid just "k blah". Also, ALCHEMY!??!?!? how much more clear can i make it...we'll have all of the issues you've complained about addressed before this MASSIVE change is put in. This isn't something we're half-assing...we're planning it out and we started laying the groundwork by retooling the combat system.
Just because you don't see the discussion going on out here, doesn't mean we don't have pages and pages of it on the dm/code forum.
Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Friday, June 6th, 2008 at 5:02 pm
yes i agree with u one thing jacko. k target over and over again is boring, but like bane says, there's a point to the coding of the skill ability. Just to give u some standard ideas, u might wanna read some of the older forum postings ppl disccused about like for instants fighters. . Bane talked about removing all the mp from fighters and adding in focus, giving them new skill abilities. This would then make it no long just k target. None of this can be done until the magic code is rewritten. Changes wont be done over night and the staff is taking time planning this.
Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Friday, June 6th, 2008 at 5:09 pm
Alchemy can provide chars with potions for know-aura, infra and etc. With alchemy i can expect potions to be easily provided to chars, which should cover most castups that ppl require in their journeys. basics of the combine been in the works and if u havent' noticed there's a lot of kitchen stoves aroudn in the game. Players will be able to purchase items from these kitches and brew up some stuff. I can't say for certain, but i assume these kitches have to deal with alchemy, if not at least making of some items which can be usefull. If carrying aroudn potions is just too bulky, i'm sure builders would be able to build more bags in new areas that can hold items for 0 bulk/weight, or bulk can be slightly increased. There's also the posibility of the enlarge spell incraeasing ur bulk size. There's already items in the game for those. Know aura potions can be bought in sigil. it cost liek 65 gold. which is super cheap for a potion. There's a few infra potions, but the most common one i can think off the back of my head atm is the golden mold in the mines. U dont even have to kill for it.. there's one that respawns on the ground ever so often. Venture ur char in there and just grab a few if u have to.
Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Saturday, June 7th, 2008 at 2:39 am
I will be sure to file TPS reports so you can approve every single action we decide to undertake, as your knowledge of everything about RoH (and muds and roleplaying games in general) obviously surpases that of Dominus, Delta, Bane, and myself, and the rest of the normal non-griping players here combined. We bow at your feet, aspire to one day have all of your superior knowledge, and only wish to serve you.
God damn...It's times like this i REALLY miss my Wall of Shame....
Actually, let me translate properly for Jacko:
(Down Syndrome RANT - Yes we still apparently have ONE player with this disease)
Settle the fuck down. We know what we're doing and will not screw everything up.
"There's nothing wrong with shooting, so long as the right people get shot." --Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in Magnum Force
Re: Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Saturday, June 7th, 2008 at 4:09 pm
I'm surprised that
was read by you as:
It's good to see you back to your old self Oce.
Thanks Zerk for giving me a good explanation. I didn't know there were alternatives already in the game, but I guess it takes a berserker, if not THE berserker, to really know.
Re: Discussion: Future changes - Direction of RoH Sunday, June 8th, 2008 at 9:19 pm
Hrmm...let's try australian...put this in an Australian accent: "Settle the FUCK down, or FUCK off, you fuckwit."
There..that gets the point across nice and simple
Translated that means: "Calm down, nobody is out to get you, and if you dont like it, get the fuck out of here, idiot"
"There's nothing wrong with shooting, so long as the right people get shot." --Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in Magnum Force