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| @BaneFriday, March 30th, 2007 at 4:06 am
<Insert witty flame here>
| Re: @BaneFriday, March 30th, 2007 at 10:23 am
You forgot to fart.  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 
| Re: @BaneWednesday, May 2nd, 2007 at 10:08 pm
Haha, this was funny.
(118 H 72 M): ### Johny just flashed, "nothing will kill me".
(118 H 72 M): A little girl just arrived.
(118 H 72 M): l john
Zty points to the east.
You see Johny the Dark-Elven Hand of Bane.
He is in excellent condition.
On body: an ethereal-shadow armor
Wielded: a galvorn blade
(118 H 72 M): Johny attempts to backstab the little girl.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl goes berserk!
The little girl tries to backstab Johny.
### Sadly, Johny was killed by a little girl.
(118 H 72 M):
Highport Municipal Clinic
You are in the Highport Municipal clinic.
Here is where you may get healing assistance as well as rest if
you feel fatigued. The doctors and surgeons can help you if you
are hurt, diseased, or even blind and deaf! Of course, they will
require a fee from you unless it is the most minute of
injuries you have. Also, as is true in any clinic, the wait is
always quite excruciating.
Obvious exits: east.
You see Huklebuc Buffalkill, Joan d'Arc(sitting), Ronin(sitting), Zty.
You see a desert mummy, three doctors, a little girl.
You see a Clinic Staff Sign, a gnarled rod, a hold key, a humming crystalline
orb, two small sacks.
(118 H 72 M): Zty tries to hide in the shadows.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl bites the doctor.
The little girl killed the doctor.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl tried to slap the doctor with her tail.
(118 H 72 M): rofl
You roll on the ground laughing.
(118 H 72 M): Someone falls down laughing.
Highport Municipal Clinic
You are in the Highport Municipal clinic.
Here is where you may get healing assistance as well as rest if
you feel fatigued. The doctors and surgeons can help you if you
are hurt, diseased, or even blind and deaf! Of course, they will
require a fee from you unless it is the most minute of
injuries you have. Also, as is true in any clinic, the wait is
always quite excruciating.
Obvious exits: east.
You see Joan d'Arc(sitting), Johny, Ronin(sitting), Zty.
You see a desert mummy, three doctors.
You see a Clinic Staff Sign, a gnarled rod, a hold key, a humming crystalline
orb, a jade potion, two small sacks.
(118 H 72 M): The 3rd doctor says "So many wounded, so little help!"
(118 H 72 M): A little girl just arrived.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl goes berserk!
The little girl tries to backstab the doctor.
The little girl killed the doctor.
(118 H 72 M): Johny attempts to backstab the little girl.
His backstab failed.
(118 H 72 M): Johny attempts to riposte the little girl's attack and misses.
The little girl bites Johny.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl stung Johny!
The little girl poisoned Johny!
(118 H 72 M): Johny rages likes a madman.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl petrified Johny with her gaze!
(118 H 72 M): The little girl stung the doctor!
The little girl poisoned the doctor!
The little girl killed the doctor.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc just arrived.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl tail-slaps the doctor.
The little girl killed the doctor.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc takes a seat.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc stands up.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc tried to circle the little girl.
(118 H 72 M): The little girl breathes a cloud of choking smoke at Huklebuc!
Huklebuc managed to avoid the little girl's smoking breath.
(118 H 72 M): Someone thinks carefully.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc boos and hisses in disgust.
(118 H 72 M): Someone fatally wounds the little girl.
Someone killed the little girl.
(118 H 72 M): Someone says, "dumbass".
(118 H 72 M): The Airship Challenger departs for Gnomebarrow.
(118 H 72 M): Someone eyes Huklebuc suspiciously.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc twiddles his thumbs.
(118 H 72 M): Huklebuc giggles inanely.
(118 H 72 M): Ronin stands up.
(118 H 72 M): l
Highport Municipal Clinic
You are in the Highport Municipal clinic.
Here is where you may get healing assistance as well as rest if
you feel fatigued. The doctors and surgeons can help you if you
are hurt, diseased, or even blind and deaf! Of course, they will
require a fee from you unless it is the most minute of
injuries you have. Also, as is true in any clinic, the wait is
always quite excruciating.
Obvious exits: east.
You see Huklebuc Buffalkill, Joan d'Arc(sitting), Johny(statue), Ronin.
You see a desert mummy.
You see a Clinic Staff Sign, an anatomy book, a gnarled rod, a hold key, a
humming crystalline orb, three jade potions, two small sacks.
(118 H 72 M): chuck
Ronin tries to hide in the shadows.
(118 H 72 M): You chuckle.
(118 H 72 M): Ronin leaves east.
Someone casts stone-to-flesh on Johny.