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| Grim StilettosTuesday, March 27th, 2007 at 12:08 am
Grim stilettos are back in the game. They weren't in this object database, so had to be remade - so if it's not 100% as you remember it, no complaining. Additionally, grim stilettos were lowered to +1 and added as random enchant, meaning you will occasionally get +2s and +3s.  Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. 
| Re: Grim StilettosTuesday, March 27th, 2007 at 1:31 am Edits: 1 Last Edit: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 2:49 am
Thanks Dom!
Hits a slightly weaker than before, but still a decent weapon. Bringing a tanker along is highly recommended.
Edit: Forgot that the last time I used grims, it was with a high strength fighter with 100% sharp, and with a +2 grim rather than a +1 grim.
(82 H 36 M): k a
Please wait 1 more second.
The halfling assassin attempts to backstab you.
The halfling assassin backstabbed you for 60 damage.
The halfling assassin backstabbed Delta for 60 damage, he's unharmed.
(22 H 36 M): c me
You are out of balance with the earth. Your healing is weakened.
Mend-wounds spell cast.
Please ignore my crappy armor.
(82 H 22 M): eq
On body: a skull robe (+1)
On legs: some chimera hide leggings (+2)
On neck: a wapiti leather cape
On hands: some full plate gauntlets
On face: a cloth eye patch
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: an alanthium corbite ring
On finger: a ring of protection (+2)
On finger: a ring of protection (+2)
On finger: a ring of protection (+2)
On finger: a ring of protection (+2)
Holding: a four leaf clover (+2)
Wielded: a grim stiletto (+1)
(82 H 22 M):