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| **Taunt Zerk**Sunday, February 10th, 2008 at 6:13 pm
(190 H 120 M): w
Highport Pawn Shoppe
You are in Highport's most fairly run pawn shoppe.
This shop always has a strange mix of people in it, ranging
from foreign travellers to winos from the the city gutters.
Unlike some fencing operations, this pawn shoppe will treat
its customers fairly. This shoppe also doubles as a recycling
center, so you may drop whatever you find for money. The
Highport sanitation department likes to keep its streets
clean, so they often subsidize the shoppe.
Obvious exits: east.
You see two doctors.
(190 H 120 M infinity): value prot
The shopkeep says, "The mithril ring of protection (+5)'s worth 500."
(190 H 120 M infinity): l prot
It's a magical ring of protection made from mithril.
The mithril ring of protection (+5) is an object of lore.
It is in pristine condition.
| Re: **Taunt Zerk**Sunday, February 10th, 2008 at 11:06 pm
grrrrrrrrrrr lol where where do i trade it?
| Re: **Taunt Zerk**Tuesday, February 12th, 2008 at 6:57 pm
*taunt taunt*