Fighter discussion

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Fighter discussion
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 at 1:51 am
Let's talk about fighter abilities. Since there's talk about a rage point system (like in wow), I'll give a brief discussion on how it works. Basically you get rage points by 3 ways, rage potions, getting hurt, and doing "white" damage. In wow, there are 2 types of damage, white damage and yellow damage. White damage is a normal attack, while yellow damage is caused by using an activiated ability.

note - I put the values that wow used for the abilties. The rage bar had a maximum of 100 points.

Possible offensive abilities

Heroic Strike (15 rp) - Does +X damage on next swing.

Mortal Strike (30 rp)- Does an instant swing with some damage multipler (which can only be used while wielding a 2-handed weapon). Put this on a short cooldown.

Bloodthirst (30rp) - Does an instant swing, and then every successful attack for the next x seconds will regain some small portion of hp for the fighter. Put this on a short cooldown.

Battleshout (10rp) - Increase attack power (damage) for the next x seconds.

Execute (15rp) - Instant swing, converting the rest of the rage point into damage, which is usable only when a mob was below 20% health.

Possible defensive abilities

Demoralizingshout (10rp) - Decrease enemies attack power for the next x seconds.

Shield block (5rp) - Increases your chance to block with your shield on the next attack.

Shield slam (20rp) - Instant swing with shield, causing damamge and a short stun. The heavier the shield, the harder it hits. Put this on a medium cooldown.

Last stand - Increase hp by 25% of total for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds is up, you lose the hp that you gain. Put this on a long cooldown.

Of course, you would tweak these abilities to fit the mud.

Post any other abilities that you think would characterize what a fighter should do.

Re: Fighter discussion
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 at 1:51 pm
More ideas

Cleave - Attack 2 targets.

Whirlwind - Attack up to 4 targets. Put this on a medium cooldown.

Double Slash - Extra swing on the next attack. Put this on a low cooldown.

Reflect Shield - Reflect a percent of the damage on the next attack back to the attacker.

Re: Fighter discussion
Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 12:03 pm
Now that effects are almost finished I'm getting around to fighters abilities now, if you have any suggestions/thoughts on it, please post them here.

Re: Fighter discussion
Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 11:05 pm
The current plan is replacing mp with focus. Focus points go up when you damage something, or when something damages you. When you're not in combat your focus will slowly tick down.

I'm looking for ideas on special abilities that use focus. Keep in mind, these abilities will be replacing the fighters ability to cast.

Re: Fighter discussion
Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 11:33 pmEdits: 2   Last Edit: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:39 pm
Okay, here is my shot in the dark..

Ability: Execute - Focus Cost: All Points
When a mob reaches the status of barely clinging to life you may instantly attack causing a high amount of damage. The instant damage will equal stored focus multipliedby 3. This instant attack will then return all remaining focus to zero.

Ability: Bloodthirst - Focus Cost: 20 Points
When this ability is initiated it will allow the fighter to regenerate healthfor 20 seconds based on a percentage of weapon-damage dealt. As the character levels the percentage regenerated will increase. For example, levels 1-5 will regenerate 2% weapon damage; whereas, 6-10 will regenerate 5% weapon damage.

Ability: Cleave - Focus Cost: 5 Points
When this instant ability is utilized it will allow the fighter to hit up to three aggresive targets.

Ability: Thundering Battle Cry - Focus cost 10 Points
For ten minutes all members of the fighter's group will be able to focus and attack with greater accuracy. This ability will not stack with the Bless Spell and will also cause group members to receive a 1 AC debuff.

Ability: Slashing Strike: Focus 5 Points
When this ability is utilized the fighter will perform a strike with his weapon causing weapon damage + 5. This ability will not generate any focus for the fighter but may be used repeatedly until focus has reached zero.

Also, If we will no longer have mp to cast simple spells would it be possible to have a potion maker in HP who would provide potions such as detect-magic, know-aura, bless, fly, levitate and protection, etc. ?


Re: Fighter discussion
Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Before I come up with a few more abilities there are a couple of questions that might help us out.

First, what will be the max amount of focus that a fighter will be able to store?

Second, roughly how much focus will 1 point of damage taken and 1 point of damage dealt create?

Lastly, how quickly will focus decay?


Re: Re: Fighter discussion
Sunday, January 20th, 2008 at 1:12 am
Monster wrote:
Before I come up with a few more abilities there are a couple of questions that might help us out.

First, what will be the max amount of focus that a fighter will be able to store?

Most of this stuff is still open to testing, but for now, 2/level. (so 30 at lvl15, and 60 at lvl30)

Second, roughly how much focus will 1 point of damage taken and 1 point of damage dealt create?

Damage dealt increases focus with this: focusIncrease = mrand(1, (dmg/5)+1);

Damage taken: half of that.

Lastly, how quickly will focus decay?


These values are subject to change as we implement the changes and ptest them.


Re: Fighter discussion
Sunday, January 20th, 2008 at 4:23 pmEdits: 1   Last Edit: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 4:23 pm
Ability: Stonewall - Focus Cost: 0 Points
When this skill is activated the fighter will take only 25% physical damage for ten seconds. During this time period and thirty seconds thereafter the fighter will generate zero focus points.

Ability: Absorb Magic - Focus Cost: 20 Points
When this ability is initiated the fighter will absorb any offensive magic directed towards him for 10 seconds. The absorbed magic will then be converted into focus at the rate of 10 damage to 1 focus point.

Ability: Dress Wounds - Focus Cost: 4 Points
Skill similar to the vigor spell but based on focus points.

Re: Fighter discussion
Friday, January 25th, 2008 at 10:03 am
How would the combat string work? I swear I have to type a lot when playing War.
I think focus skills could be acquired when leveling up next title. I like combinations that makes a fighter diversified. A bit of defense, healing, attacking, damage control, etc. I think paladins/dks/rangers/assassins/rogues are hit/vig but not as versed in the art of combat. Fighters with the focus will replace the role of MP but gives the class a range of things to do. Such as suggested, shielding, blocking, executing, healing, mutli aggro control.

Re: Fighter discussion
Friday, January 25th, 2008 at 1:33 pm
ohoh, I think kick should be something that's automated, like you have a chance of kicking someone or something, so you dont have to type "kick monster"

I dont know about you, for me when i am killing monster, sometimes after i bs(for you maybe bash), I just type (k monster), and keep pressing enter, (z-mud), so if i have to kick, i have to retype (kick monster), then have to type (k monster) again...

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